News Highlights: Eritrea wants to join UN Human Rights Council, Plea to aid Libya refugees, Displacement in Ethiopia
posted in: Africa, Al-Shahaab, EEPA news and activities, Eritrea, European Commission, European Politics, European Union, Horn of Africa region, Human Trafficking, IOM, Italy, Libya, Mediterranean Sea, Migration, Refugees in the EU, South Sudan, UNHCR, United Nations, United States, Weekly news highlights |
In this week’s news highlights: Opposition to Eritrea’s bid for membership in UN Human Rights Council; ethnic violence in Ethiopia causes internal displacement; South Sudan joins 1951 Refugee Convention; suicide attack in Mogadishu on Italian military vehicle; media freedom threatened in Africa, says article; Hungary opposes UN Migration Compact; Human Rights Organisations want Aquarius to continue rescue mission; Human Rights Organisations urge international community to aid refugees trapped in Libya.