Situation report: Airstrikes across Sudan kill dozens; Only 40% of students are enrolled in schools in Tigray; Sudanese Sovereign Council deputy chairman walks out of peace forum

Europe External Programme with Africa is a Belgium-based Centre of Expertise with in-depth knowledge, publications, and networks, specialised in issues of peacebuilding, refugee protection, and resilience in the Horn of Africa. EEPA has published extensively on issues related to the movement and/or human trafficking of refugees in the Horn of Africa and on the Central Mediterranean Route. It cooperates with a wide network of universities, research organisations, civil society, and experts from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, and across Africa. The Situation Reports can be found here. To receive the situation report in your e-mail, click here. You can unsubscribe at any moment through the link at the bottom of each e-mail.

Situation in Sudan (per 7 October)

  • Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) intensified airstrikes in North Darfur, hitting El Koma town market reportedly killing 65 people and injuring over 200 other civilians on Friday.  
  • The airstrikes reportedly killed at least 14 children and injured 4 more children, said UNICEF. 
  • Witnesses say the attack took place around 8:00 a.m. and no Rapid Support Forces (RSF) were reported to be present at the market during the attack. 
  • Dozens of people have reportedly been arrested by RSF in North Darfur in Kutum town and the Kassab camp for internally displaced people (IDPs), being accused of allying with militia supporting SAF. 
  • A strict curfew was imposed in Kutum and Kassab areas, and reports indicate that the RSF raided homes, looted property, and exercised force against civilians.
  • SAF airstrikes also intensified in North Kordofan in Hamra al-Sheikh and Abu Zuama localities on Saturday, killing at least 30 people and wounding 100. Six bombs were reportedly dropped hitting civilian residential areas, according to a human rights group, Emergency Lawyers.  
  • Residents of Tuti Island in Khartoum plead for their evacuation amid the worsening situation in this area and increased looting and intimidation by RSF. The island has been under RSF control since the start of the conflict and it has become a strategic area and key battleground.
  • SAF launched a military operation aiming to reopen the road between Sennar City and Kosti. Army forces advanced from two opposite directions meeting near the location Jebel Moya over the weekend. 
  • It remains unclear whether SAF will be able to use the road due to the ongoing presence of RSF in the surrounding areas.  
  • 1.4 million doses of cholera vaccines have been delivered to Port Sudan on Saturday in efforts to tackle the cholera outbreak in the country, confirmed UNICEF.
  • More SAF troops arrived from northern parts of North Darfur in El Fasher on Sunday to reinforce the military presence in the area amid intensified fighting with the RSF. 

Situation in South Sudan (per 7 October)

  • 890,000 people have been affected by recent floods in South Sudan with about 226,000 being forced to flee their homes, reports the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA). 
  • South Sudan launched a Joint Special Emergency Court (JSEC) in Juba on Friday, that aims to prosecute members of the South Sudan armed forces who commit crimes against the civilian population. 

Situation in Ethiopia (per 7 October)

  • The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has raised concerns over increased reports of arbitrary arrests in Gondar, Bahir Dar and other parts of the Amhara region over the past week. Government workers, members of political parties, media and civic society are among those detained.
  • “The arrests have not been properly executed by a court order, the suspects have not appeared in court by the time this statement has been released and there are people who need permanent medical attention”, said the EHRC in its statement. 
  • The Ethiopian Diaspora Association has requested the Ethiopian government to establish a Ministry for the Diaspora and allow dual citizenship, aiming to enhance their engagement in national development. The request has been submitted to the Ethiopian government during the Diaspora Week.
  • Power disruptions were reported by the Ethiopian Electric Power due to theft on Koka-Hurso transmission line in Awash Fentale woreda, Afar region. 
  • Cities and areas in the eastern part of the country that are supplied electricity by the affected transmission line will receive electricity on shift until the maintenance is complete. 

Situation in Tigray (per 7 October)

  • Only 40% of  students are registered for their classes during this academic year in Tigray region. Out of 2.4 million eligible  students less than 1 million are enrolled, according to Seyoum Hagos from theTigray Education Bureau.  
  • About 106 schools in Tigray still serve as shelters for IDPs, while “more than 500 schools are currently outside of the bureau’s jurisdiction,” as they remain under the  the control of Amhara or Eritrean forces, said Seyoum. 

Regional Situation (per 7 October)

  • Somalia accused Ethiopia of violating its mandate as a member of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), during the UN Security Council (UN SC) meeting on Thursday.  
  • Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, Somali minister of foreign affairs, also stated that the Somali government intercepted three shipments of illegal weapons from Ethiopia to Somalia aiming to aid non-state actors in Somalia. The UN SC discussion on Somalia called for de-escalation of tensions between two countries.  
  • The South Sudanese civil society organisation Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) calls on Sudan’s warring parties to establish an unconditional peace mediation process. CEPO condemned leaders’ avoidance of peace talks and setting preconditions on negotiations.

International Situation (per 7 October)

  • Deputy Chairman of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, Malik Agar, walked out of the African Peace and Security Forum organised in Johannesburg, South Africa, after the representatives of RSF arrived at the venue of the peace forum. 
  • According to the statement, the Sudanese transitional government informed organisers ahead that “the attempt to force the Sudanese people to coexist with a criminal militia, is unacceptable”. 
  • Ethiopia’s National BRICS Ministerial Steering Committee finalised its BRICS Engagement strategy which aims to provide overall guidance for Ethiopia’s participation in the intergovernmental group. 
  • The Italian Embassy in Nairobi suspended issuing Schengen visas for travellers with a Somali passport, also affecting all applications submitted in Mogadishu. 

Links of interest

Wave of SAF airstrikes in North Darfur kills dozens of civilians

El Koma in North Darfur buries 65 victims of Sudan air force attacks

Amid relentless attacks on children in Sudan, at least 13 children reportedly killed and another 4 injured in Al Kuma, North Darfur

RSF detains dozens in North Darfur crackdown

Air strikes kill at least 30 in North Kordofan

Khartoum’s Tuti Island residents plead for evacuation as conditions worsen

UNICEF airlifts more lifesaving vaccines to Sudan to fight concurrent outbreaks

Army tries to reopen Kosti-Sennar road

El Fasher receives major reinforcements as fighting with RSF intensifies

South Sudan: Floods Snapshot (As of 4 October 2024)

UN: More than 18,000 displaced by floods in Abyei

South Sudan launches tribunal to try members of armed forces

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission

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Ethiopian Electric Power-የኢትዮጵያ ኤሌክትሪክ ኃይል

News: Student enrollment plummets in Tigray; only 40% of eligible students registered amid post-war struggles

Somalia accuses Ethiopia of overstepping peacekeeping mission terms during UNSC session

CEPO Calls for Unconditional Peace Mediation in Sudan: Urgent Appeal to Warring Parties Leaders

Press Release on the participation of Sudan in the annual dialogue on Peace and Security in Africa 

Ethiopia crafts national BRICS Engagement Strategy

Somali passport holders hit as Italy suspends issuance of Schengen visas

Disclaimer: All information in this Situation Report is presented as a fluid update report, as to the best knowledge and understanding of the authors at the moment of publication. EEPA does not claim that the information is correct but verifies to the best of ability within the circumstances. Publication is weighed on the basis of interest to understand potential impacts of events (or perceptions of these) on the situation. Check all information against updates and other media. EEPA does not take responsibility for the use of the information or impact thereof. All information reported originates from third parties and the content of all reported and linked information remains the sole responsibility of these third parties. Report to any additional information and corrections.