COVID-19 – Unintended Teenage Pregnancy in Pumwani Majengo slum, Nairobi

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By Francis Kinyua, Kamukunji Community Empowerment Initiative

In the Pumwani Majengo slum in Nairobi, the Kamukunji Community Empowerment Initiative (KACEI) is committed to holistically supporting and empowering youth and especially young women.. The organization is concerned that many teenagers (ages 11-18) will fail to complete their studies due to unintended pregnancies resulting in early marriages. “What we have been seeing on the roadsides and alleys while heading home to beat the curfew time is really dreadful,” a KACEI official stated, in relation to the emerging threats of COVID-19 on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of teenage girls. “Teenage girls and boys are engaging in sexual matters, which will affect them after the coronavirus pandemic is over. We are going to have a lot of early unintended teenage pregnancies and early marriages after this,” the KACEI official emphasizes.

Core messages: EASO’s new Country of Origin report on Eritrea

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published a new Country of Origin report on Eritrea. The report is a key document in relation to decisions on the asylum claims of Eritrean refugees. The report looks at the changes that have taken place since its last report in 2016, mainly in relation to the peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea that has since occurred. It finds that broadly, the situation of human rights has not changed in the country. Below are a few of the key findings.

Petition and letter to free five Eritrean refugees detained in Egypt after peaceful protest

Letters by Human Rights Concern Eritrea and Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights ask for the immediate release of five detained Eritreans in Cairo, Egypt. The five were arrested on July 21, 2019, and are held in an undisclosed location without access to legal representation. The detained are part of a group of around 500 Eritreans who demonstrated peacefully against alleged mismanagement and corruption by Cairo’s UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) office. Their trial is set today (7 August 2019).