Post-Cotonou Agreement: the EU should not downgrade the ACP, African officials urge

Yesterday, 20 March, the Development Committee (DEVE) of the European Parliament (EP) held a public hearing regarding the negotiations between the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states and the European Union (EU) for a new comprehensive agreement that will manage their relationship after the Cotonou Agreement expires in 2020. According to the two parties,the post-Cotonou Agreement will have to address the possible gaps of the already existing document and it is expected to renew the relationship between the signatories. However, the exchange showed that the relationship of the two is fragmented, with the EU seeming optimistic and the African Union (AU) feeling left out.

Israel: Supreme Court suspends government plans to deport African immigrants until they have further information

Yesterday, Thursday 15 March, the Israeli Supreme Court temporarily suspended the government’s deportation scheme, giving the state until 26 March to provide further information of their plans to deport around 40.000 asylum seekers, mainly from Eritrea. Until they providefurther information, the Israel cannot deport the African immigrants.

News Highlights: More money for Turkey deal, Eritrea in Human Rights Council, Video of Hajji Musa’s funeral

 In this week’s news highlights: The UN Human Rights Council discussed Eritrea; video emerges of respected Eritrean elder’s funeral; letter of an Eritrean citizen to his President; South Sudan runs out of money; EU announces stricter migration measures and more money for Turkey; European Parliament urges release of human rights defenders in Sudan; EEAS updates on migration actions; and data should be used cautiously when it comes to refugees and migrants, expert warns.