“EU Libya Deal is needed to protect human rights” but critics disagree

At the EU Council summit in Valetta, European Union leaders agreed on a new plan to increase its cooperation with Libya in order to stem the flow of migrants coming from the North African country last week Friday, 6 February 2017.

The released declaration states that Libyan national coast guard will receive support in training and equipment. Under the second package of the SOPHIA Operation capabilities shall be enhanced and the business model of smugglers and human traffickers in Libya shall be disrupted.

Morocco rejoins the African Union and new Chair is elected during Summit

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The 28th session of the African Union Summit is held this week. Chad’s Foreign Minister Moussa Faki Mahamat was chosen as the new Chair of the African Union and Morocco rejoined the African Union after a 33-year absence. The African Union is faced with several more challenging topics, such as the role of the threat of genocide in South Sudan.

European Commission seeks to stop migration flows from Libya

On Wednesday 25 January, the European Commission revealed its strategy for blocking the migration flows along the Central Mediterranean Route, especially around Libya. The short-term measurements are intended to significantly reduce crossings before this summer. The measurements include additional support to the Libyan coast guard, strengthening border authorities in North African countries and increasing returns.