Horn Highlights: No signs yet of aid in Tigray, Food stocks in Tigray at all time low, Amnesty calls on Egypt to stop deporting Eritreans

In this week’s Horn Highlights: UNOCHA says food stocks in Tigray at all time low; Reports that no aid trucks have entered Tigray despite humanitarian ceasefire; BBC interview with women who report being raped in Amhara; National Dialogue dead on arrival, states Wight; Amhara regional president asks for Russian support to rebuild; UAE continues to send aid to Tigray; calls to protect Ethiopian patriarch; Eritrean troops remain in Tigray despite year-old announcement of withdrawal; Amnesty International calls on Egypt to stop deportations of Eritreans; and Egypt and Sudan deepen military Cooperation.

Horn Highlights: Government forces burn man alive, 7 million need humanitarian assistance, South Sudan faces worst hunger crisis ever

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Ethiopian Government forces accused of burning man alive; Seven million need humanitarian assistance in Tigray; HRW says attacks against girls and women in Ethiopia should end; Women organisations call for medical services for sexual violence … Continued

Horn Highlights: UN SR says repression in Eritrea continues, Eritrea votes against UNGA resolution to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, No supplies in Tigray

In this week’s Horn Highlights: UN Special Rapporteur says repression in Eritrea continues; Eritrea one of four countries to vote with Russia over Ukraine invasion; OCHA reports to have run out of supplies in Tigray; Eritrean refugees isolated in Ethiopia; Ethiopian PM urges restraint in Ukraine after abstaining from UN vote; Ethio-Sudanese border crossing reopens; Ethiopian journalists publish open letter on press freedom regression; Mekelle university staff unpaid in over a year; 20 people killed in Benishangul Gumuz; UN warns of drought in Ethiopia; Sudan open to Russian Naval Base following Hemedti visit to Russia; UN High Commissioner oral update on Sudan;UN warns of global warming effects in Africa.