News highlights: South Sudan forms coalition government, Malta’s secret Libya deal, Italian Court justifies actions of Sea-Watch captain

In this week’s news highlights: Commissioner calls Italy to discontinue cooperation with Libya; Commission may abandon the Dublin regulation reform; Researchers indicate EU breaks Law of the Sea with return policy; Secret Malta-Libya pact criticised by NGOs; Sea-Watch 4 launched by United4Rescue; Sea Watch captain acquitted by Italian top court; Meditteranean Sea turned into graveyard by Europe; ; Coalition government formed in South Sudan; Over 100 million USD needed for humanitarian assistance in South Sudan; Rumors of closure of Ethiopian refugee camps in Tigray; Head of Catholic church in Ethiopia not allowed to enter Eritrea despite visa; IOM says concrete action is needed in Libya; And few resettlement places for evacuated refugees in Rwanda.

The European Union is questioned over the Eritrean road project

The legality of the road building project in Eritrea funded by European Union (EU) under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa has been questioned on the territory of the European institutions over the past week. On 14 February, the European Commission Directorate General on International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) held a Round Table meeting with several NGOs and on 18 February, the Committee on Development (DEVE) of the European Parliament dedicated a part of its agenda to the EU development aid in Eritrea. During both events representatives of the European Commission, civil society as well as members of the parliament were presenting their points of view.

News highlights: Libyan coast guard refuses rescue, citing full detention centres, AU Summit aims to end conflicts, Eritrean children malnourished

In this week’s news highlights: Discrimanation against Eritrean Women examined; UNICEF discovers Eritrean kids most malnourished; AU summit aims to end conflict on the continent; Eritrean man killed by police; Eritrean president criticizes TPLF in an interview; President of South Sudan accused of being unwilling to form coalition while human rights violations continue; Former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir may be handed over to International Criminal Court; Germany did not hold to its promise to accept boat refugees after Malta agreement; Salvini sent to Italian court over refused disembarkation; Partnership between Spain and Italy on new migration policy; Crew of German rescue ship awarded by Amnesty International; Libyan coast guard fails to save 91 people, now feared missing; and UNHCR is struggling in Niger.