News highlights: Libyan decree to affect NGOs, Protests in Ethiopia, EU Parliament rejects motion on search and rescue

In this week’s News Highlights: Protests lead to killings of civilians in Ethiopia; Returnees to Ethiopia face difficult conditions; Follow the journey of Eritrean refugees; Human rights in Eritrea the topic of seminar in European Parliament; Right-wing groups in the European Parliament vote against improving rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea; Rescue ship waits 11 days at sea; Eritreans in the Netherlands protest against the presence of the Eritrean regime; Photographer reports on the inequality of the new lives of refugees in Europe; New decree to neutralize rescue NGOs in Libya’s waters; Arrest warrant for Libyan human trafficker; Libyan coast guard threatens rescue vessels with shots; Migrants and refugees evacuated from Libya to Rwanda still looking for safety; and new report on the Global Compact for Migration.

Investing in people: Change through education is discussed in Africa-Europe education conference

“Good Morning class!” With these words Narciso Matos, Vice-Chancellor at the Polytechnical University of Mozambique, started his opening statement at the Africa-Europe High Level Conference on Higher Education Collaboration on October 25. He made clear that in order to fulfill the sustainable development goals and alleviate poverty, we need to invest in human capital – in education. EU-AU collaboration is identified as a way to make use of opportunities to strengthen education and alleviate drivers of forced movement.

News Highlights: Sudan’s civilians and military reach agreement, airstrike kills 44 migrants and refugees in Libya, Captain Sea-Watch freed

In this week’s news highlights: Sudan’s military and civilian groups reach agreement, Snipers opened fire during a civilian protest march; Ethiopia and Eritrea to connect naval infrastructure; Eritrea is chairing the UNHRC despite human rights abuses; Eritrean protest symbols features by Italian draughtsman; Migrants detained in a Libyan hangar died of hunger, thirst and diseases; Libyan military strikes killed and injured hundreds of migrants; Canadian firm’s contract with Sudan denounced by Amnesty International; Arrested German captain of the rescue ship finally freed by Italian court; The court rules out the transfer under the Dublin regulation; the US and China are in feud over influence in Africa.