News Highlights: Italian MP visits Ethiopia and Eritrea, Amnesty to challenge Hungarian law in court; UNHCR evacuates refugees from Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Italian PM visits Ethiopia and Eritrea; nearly 10,000 newly registered refugees in Ethiopia last month; Eritrea elected to the UN Human Rights Council; IOM report on reducing vulnerabilities of migrants; new “peace ministry” in Ethiopia; almost half of South Sudanese face starvation says Save the Children; Eritrean, Ethiopian and Somali politicians meet; migrants in Italian model town to be transferred away; Amnesty International challenges new Hungarian law in court; EU leaders want to cooperate with Egypt on migration; aid organisations warn against scapegoating migrants and not saving lives; UN human rights expert criticizes Algeria and Niger for alleged migrants’ rights abuses; and the UNHCR evacuates refugees from Libya.

News Highlights: Joint Sudan-Ethiopia border force, Italy refuses to let 177 migrants disembark, 1 in 31 die on Mediterranean Sea

In this week’s news highlights: highlights of the past month; Sudan and Ethiopia agree on joint border force; Eritrean President plans new visit to Ethiopia; Eritrea-Ethiopia peace faces tough negotiation points; Amnesty International Op-Ed states that Eritrean demobilization plan is urgently needed; UN Special Envoy comments on South Sudan peace effort; Italy refuses to let migrants disembark and threatens to return them to Libya; UNHCR and Amnesty sound alarm over deaths at sea; and ARCI report calls attention to dangers of border externalization.

News Highlights: Eritrean government on peace, AU reflects on migration management, EU Parliament concerned with EU Summit decisions

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea’s own suggestions for peace with Ethiopia; EU-Sudan continue migration cooperation; Mandate extension bill for South Sudanese President; MSF concerned that torture in Libya is underestimated; AU’s alternative proposal to manage migration; EU Parliament disagrees with last week Summit’s decisions; EC announces new funding to help Spain and Greece deal with migration flows; French-Italian border: a manifestation of EU’s failure in migration; and how to include refugees in policy making.