News Highlights: Al-Bashir steps down, Libya crisis escalates, Detained refugees terrified amidst clashes in Libya
In this week’s highlights: President al-Bashir steps down after 3 months of protests; US delegation calls for the release of an American citizen who grew up in Eritrea; Eritrean Government accuses Turkey Qatar and Sudan of ‘subversive acts’ for backing Eritrean Islamists; Alan Kurdi rescue ship is still waiting for a safe port; Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea is published by Human Rights at Sea; Report of the Roundtable “Inhumane treatments and trafficking of people in Libya: EU and EU Member states’ responsibility; Fighting continues in Libya; Human trafficking in the Mediterranean Sea operated by Libyan militia continues as conflict rages in Tripoli; Thousands of refugees in danger in Libya; Young Eritrean calls from detention centre in Libya.