News Highlights: European Parliament approves border funding, France equips Libyan coast guard, Testimony on organ trafficking in Egypt

In this week’s News Highlights:  Sudan student rallies ramp up as more arrests take place; UN Security Council discusses Eritrea – Djibouti relations; UNHCR reports on plans for refugees in Ethiopia; the UN reports high levels of violence in South Sudan;  More refugees flown from Libya to Niger; France provides equipment to Libyan Coast Guard; the consequences of economic crisis in Libya; testimony on organ trafficking in Egypt; LIBE Committee votes to increase border management funding; EU’s migration policy aids human trafficking, states article; Sea Watch 3 vessel still blocked in Sicily; documentary on Mediterranean Sea boats is nominated for Oscar; and the Council of Europe reports on refugees camps conditions in Greece.

News Highlights: EU policies contribute to abuse in Libya, Eritrea mining case in Canada, EU-AU meeting in Brussels

In this week’s News Highlights: EU policies contribute to abuse against migrants in Libya: HRW; continuing protests in Sudan; Nevsun case about human rights abuses in Eritrea before Canadian top court; Italy to be engaged in planned Ethiopia-Eritrea railway link; Ethiopian ruling coalition happy about peace deal; UNICEF report on humanitarian situation in Eritrea; Kenyan president visits Eritrea, reportedly considering opening an embassy; EU and AU ministers meet in Brussels; IGAD and EEAS meeting; Italy to evict over 500 migrants from centre; Italy to decide about continuation of Operation Sophia; and WHO report on refugees’ and migrants’ health in Europe.

News Highlights: Protests in Sudan, EU reportedly negotiating with Egypt on migration, asylum-seeker to sue UK government

In this week’s news highlights: Protests in Sudan intensify; Canadian Supreme Court to hear case on human rights abuses in Eritrea; Eritrea and Kenya sign agreement; refugees at high risk of being kidnapped for ransom in the Horn of Africa, new report shows; protest during Ethiopian-Eritrean border opening; new president of Somali Puntland region; fewer migrant arrivals via sea in 2018, but deaths remain high; EU negotiating migration agreement with Egypt: report; Italian mayors defy certain new immigration rules; deal enables migrants to disembark in Malta; asylum-seeker to sue UK government for funding Libyan detention centres; “unimaginable horrors” in Libya: UN report; and EU’s EUBAM Libya mission mandate extended to strengthen borders “in cooperation with Libyan authorities”.