News Highlights: Eritrean involvement in trafficking, documentary on EU border management, UN chief and the EU’s “shameful” refugee policy

In this week’s news highlights: The Eritrean-Ethiopian relations today; Eritrean traffickers traffic their own people; Report on Eritrea’s mining sector; Refugees are questioned after UNHCR corruption was exposed; South Sudan government accuses rebels of blocking aid; Amnesty International calls for disbanding Ethiopian police unit; EU’s follow up on UN Libya sanctions; EU Funding for migration and border management to be tripled; Documentary shows consequences of EU border management; UN says at least 2.500.000 migrants smuggled in 2016; UN Chief ashamed of EU’s refugee policy; Joint Statement on Combating Human Trafficking; MEP Verhofstadt threatens the EU; and Italian vessel with 937 migrants docks in Sicily.

News Highlights: Ethiopia makes first step towards peace with Eritrea, Algeria as a new gateway of migrants, Suggestions for a new EU-Africa relation

In this week’s news highlights: How will Eritrea respond in Ethiopia’s call for peace?; Estefanos urges EU for sanctions to Eritrea; On their way to Yemen, Ethiopians drown or go missing; The South Sudanese prolonged hunger; Freed victims of human trafficking in Libya; Algeria becomes the alternative route to Europe for refugees and migrants; How the EU-Africa relationship should be renewed; After allegations, Head of EASO resigns; Documentary investigates EU migration policy and its effects.

News Highlights: Refugees Sudan report coercion by UNHCR, Report on trauma and trust on minor refugees, Foreign interference in Somalia

In this week’s news highlights: New report on trauma in relation to trust of Eritrean unaccompanied minors; Refugees report systematic coercion to pay for services of UNHCR in Sudan; External actors should not interfere with Somali internal affairs, AU and EU urge; UN warns of grave international humanitarian law violations in Sudan; IOM returnsEthiopians trapped in Yemen; Cyclone in Somaliland causes severe damage, UN focuses on long-term resilience building; Report discusses reasons why Eritrea does not implement ACHPR; Start of Post-Cotonou talks possibly delayed; EU’s new assistance package for migration; UNHCR deeply concerned with developments in Hungary; MEPs’ sharp answers to findings of Frontex Consultative Forum; New European Parliament Resolution on Sudan; Libyan rival leaders agree on election plan.