News Highlights: IS Attacks Libya, UN and NGOs report on Eritrea, EU’s new budget could strengthen rule of law

In this week’s news highlights: Human Rights Watch and Human Rights Concern Eritrea report on Eritrea; US Congressman calls for cooperation with Eritrea; UN calls on Eritrea to respect media freedom; South Sudan continues to be supported by Egypt, el-Sisi assures; Humanitarian staff in Somalia dead and injured; Ethiopian and Eritrean ex-officials debate blame for border issues; Deaths and injuries after IS attack in Libya; Mogherini reassures EU’s willingness to support Somalia; EU’s new budget to strengthen rule of law.

News Highlights: UN report on Libyan atrocities, Somalia and UAE tension, EP report condemns Hungary

In this week’s news highlights: Israel’s government given until 15 April to show Uganda deal; UN report on detention and torture in Libya;Seizure of money in Somalia creates political upsurge; Darfur rebel group asks for humanitarian help; Sudanese President reported to have ordered release of detainees; Hearing on Eritrea’s refugees taking place in Washington; Ethiopian President asks for unity; and a European Parliament draft report calls for the Council to take strong action against Hungary over migration.

News Highlights: Israel cancels refugee plan with UN, Dutch Minister calls for closing of Libya detention centres, Ethiopian President speaks of peace with Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: Netanyahu cancels plan with UNHCR for refugee resettlement; new Ethiopian President expresses efforts for peace towards Eritrea;Al-Shabab attacks AU troops in Somalia; Four African countries set to cooperate to fight crime;The story of an Eritrean refugee from Africa Monitors; Dutch Minister urges for closure of “inhumane” Libyan detention centers; European Commission announces new emergency aid to Greece; Frontex says smuggling activity is more organized now;; and UN chief economist worried about food security.