European Parliament resolution on the recent humanitarian and human rights situation in Tigray: strong statements or missed opportunities?

On 4 and 5 October the European Parliament held debates on the EU’s strategic partnership with the Horn of Africa and the joint resolution on “The recent humanitarian and human rights situation in Tigray, Ethiopia, notably that of children” that … Continued

News highlights: Ethiopia peace talks delayed, Eritreans in Germany no longer forced to Eritrean embassies, Frontex covering up Greek pushbacks

In this week’s news highlights: Peace talks in South Africa on Ethiopia delayed; Isaias Afewerki’s intentions for Ethiopia; Tigray forces accused of extrajudicial killings in Kobo; ICHREE mandate extended; Eritrean trafficker arrested and extradited to Italy; Joint statement condemning the resumption of hostilities in Tigray; Ministers from the 8 IGAD members meet in Nairobi; Interweaving crises are complicating efforts to address hunger, warns UN; Somali journalist syndicate under increasing pressure from government; 15 migrants and refugees murdered by traffickers in Libya; UN human rights report calls out violation of migrants rights in Libya return programme; German court declares  Eritreans cannot be forced to Eritrean embassies for documents; Frontex accused of covering up Greek pushbacks; Mediterranean member states call for Frontex to operate inside third counties; Bounty placed on information about Eritrean human trafficker; ECRE and PICUM publish analysis of EU response to Ukraine crisis; Pope Francis says treatment of migrants “sinful”; Ukrainian refugee protection extended until March 2024.

News Highlights: Shelling and troop build-up in Tigray, Border checks in Schengen area, 97 people drown in Mediterranean

ttempts to build bridges with pro-democracy movement; 650.000 Sudanese children at risk of severe malnutrition; Sudanese government offers contribution to solve conflict in Ethiopia; Authorities take newspaper and bar association to court; Kenya workers suffer abuses and violation of rights;  UNSC renews mandate for inspection of vessels along Libyan coast; Greek Migration minister accuses EU of using external border states as “refugee parking lots”;  Refugee and migrant population down by 50% in Greece since last year; ECJ rules against Hungarian asylum law; Czech and Austrian border guards to renew checks on border with Slovakia; Pope Francis calls for support to migrants as Italy elects far right wing government; What do the Italian elections imply for EU migration policy?; and 97 asylum seekers dead after Lebanese boat capsizes.