News Highlights Extra (EN/DE/FR/IT): Conflict in the Horn/Konflikt im Horn/ Le conflit dans la Corne/ Il conflitto nel Corno

[The extra news highlights are available below in German, Italian and French]

The conflict in the Horn is escalating rapidly. EEPA is sending extra news highlights on the conflict: previous highlights extra and EEPA’s situation reports on the Horn crisis.

News Highlights: EU’s ‘no more roads’ approach in Eritrea, Amnesty publishes report on cycle of abuse in Libya, New European migration pact introduced

In this week’s news highlights: Human rights organization revokes lawsuit against EU for road-building in Eritrea, after EU announces ‘no more roads’ approach; 5 Sudanese artists convicted; Missing prisoners in Eritrea memorialized digitally; Review of book series on mobility and human trafficking by Dan Connell; EU imposes sanctions for human rights violations in Libya; Amnesty calls for the EU to reconsider collaboration with Libya; Rescue ship rescues 133 migrants and refugees, 128 others returned to Libya; New EU migration pact introduced; Italian authorities restrains Sea-Watch 4 ship; Italy makes deal with Tunisia to return 500-600 people monthly; UK Home Office lifts ban on evicting asylum seekers that have been denied status; Protests in Germany to receive more migrants; Intolerance of migrants increases.

News Highlights: Moria on fire, Tigray vote raises tensions in Ethiopia, 3 migrants jump from Maesk Etienne rescue boat

In this week’s news highlights: Tensions arise over vote in Tigray region, Ethiopia; Sudan ends 30 years of Islamic Law; New cohort of youth travels to national service training in Eritrea in crowded buses; Eritrean military colonel arrested in Asmara; US suspends part of aid to Ethiopia over Blue Nile dam dispute;  Eritrea – Sudan agree to bolster bilateral relations; UN chief Guterres calls for closing detention centers in Libya; Fires break out at Moria refugee camp; Migrants moved from centre on Lampedusa; 3 migrants jump from Maersk Etienne boat; Dutch advisory council recommends cooperation to prevent ‘digital colonialism’ in Africa; Opposing migration protests in Dover, UK; EU to improve integration of migrants in the labour market; and Ecological threats risk mass population displacement.