News Highlights: Eritrea-Ethiopia Peace Agreement Signed, EU Funds New Migration Action in North Africa

In this week’s news highlights: The new Eritrean-Ethiopian agreement ends no war, no peace situation; Though Eritreans are happy about the deal with Ethiopia, they remain uninformed about Afwerki’s impetus; UN extended mandate of Special Rapporteur for Eritrea; South Sudanese opposition SPLM (IO) urges for AU’s additional involvement in peace process; Eritrean Afar People’s Declaration; New booklet sheds light on Eritrea; ten NGOs send letter to the AU urging for improvement in shrinking civic space; EC announces new fund for North Africa migration management; Austrian Interior Minister wants to push EU to stop accepting asylum claims; and Doctor in Lampedusa horrified by the situation of his refugee patients.

News Highlights: South Sudanese peace deal, Eritrean and Ethiopian leaders to meet soon, EU Summit’s conclusions on migration

In this week’s news highlights: South Sudan peace deal signed; UN Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations discusses the peace deal;Eritrean and Ethiopian PMs to meet soon; The new EU Conclusions on migration management further increase border externalization, proposing ‘disembarkation platforms’; Experts denounce EU migration policy; Don’t build walls, support refugees to support themselves, ex refugee says; Oxford Professor suggests EU can be taught lessons by Africa’s migration management.

Press Release: Addressing criminalisation of refugees and impunity of human trafficking

As EU leaders are meeting in Brussels to discuss migration, experts denounced current EU migration policy as ineffective in tackling human trafficking and undermining migrant and refugee rights. A public hearing took place in the European Parliament today on the impact of EU external action in the Horn of Africa and addressing the criminalisation of refugees and impunity of human trafficking.