News Highlights: ECJ dismisses complaints refugee quota, Eritrean rebels video, Libya’s recent history

In this week’s news highlights: Italian interior minister Marco Minniti defends his strategy of making deals in Libya to stop migration; the European Court of Justice throws out complaints of Hungary and Slovakia against mandatory relocation of refugees; Eritrean rebels fear the support of Gulf states to Afewerki’s regime; Ethiopia’s drought situation declared major issue by UN; warnings about Cholera in Sudan; Libya’s fragmentation and deals with EU member states are analysed; and Human Rights Watch report states United Nation should start an investigation on torture as possible Crime Against Humanity in Egypt.

News Highlights: Eritrea-Djibouti tensions, global displacement, counter-terrorism in Sahel

In this week’s news highlights, the UN Refugee Agency published its annual report on global displacement, showing a continuing upward trend in the numbers of displacement; the tensions over migration between European Union member states continue; counter-terrorism force in Sahel region approved by UN Security Council; tensions between Djibouti and Eritrea rise, and fears grow that tensions between Arab allies may cause conflict in the Horn of Africa; and International organisations have not learned their lessons from previous engagements with the Eritrean regime.

Secret mission Eritrea: joint cooperation to curb migration

Switzerland, Germany, Norway and Sweden tighten their bond with the Eritrean regime to curb migration from Eritrea. The Swiss newspaper St. Galler Tagblatt reported earlier this month that a joint delegation visited Asmara in January to hold talks on migration with Yemane Gebreab, Eritrea’s head of political affairs and adviser to the president Isaias Afewerki. The delegation consisted of Anne Lugon-Moulin, head of the department Sub Sahara Africa of the Swiss Department for Foreign Affairs (EDA), the German ambassador to Asmara Andreas Zimmer and two delegates responsible for migration from Norway and Sweden. The mission was later confirmed by the Swiss Department for Foreign Affairs (EDA). The talks are expected to lead to new repatriation agreements with Eritrea.