News Highlights: EU-Libya relations, upcoming Migration Summit, Eritrea visits Russia

In this week’s news highlights, we would like to update you on the latest developments and media coverage concerning the new EU Libya cooperation for reducing migration on the Central Mediterranean Route, in the run-up to the Summit on migration that will take place in Malta tomorrow (Friday 3 February).

News highlights: EU-Libya migration deal, downplaying human rights abuses, drought

In this week’s news highlights, we would like to update you among other things on the latest events concerning the recently announced EU measurements to reduce migration on the Central Mediterranean Route, the UK’s and Israel’s strategy to downsize the number of Eritrean asylum seekers, and more on drought in the Horn of Africa.

News highlights: Arrests in Eritrea, Fortress Europe, RSF Act in Sudan

In this week’s news highlights, we would like to update you on the latest events concerning recent developments related to the Horn of Africa, outcomes of the debate on migration with the new Maltese presidency in the European parliament and EU’s migration strategy.