News highlights: Refugees fear UNHCR investigation, EU elaborates on ‘disembarkation centres’, 18-month national service limit may arrive

In this week’s news highlights: news highlights on summer break; Indefinite national service for new Eritrean recruits may be limited, but diaspora remains cautious; Refugees fear lack of protection in UNHCR investigation in Sudan; Eritrean refugees in Sudan are losing faith in UNHCR; Report on Ethiopian man wrongfully deported from UK; New South Sudan peace deal met with scepticism; Somalia to prosecute in case of 10-year-old dying from FGM; European Commission elaborates on ‘controlled centres’ and ‘disembarkation centres’; European Commission defends development-migration fund link; MSF warns EU to stop return of migrants to Libya.  

News Highlights: Eritrean government on peace, AU reflects on migration management, EU Parliament concerned with EU Summit decisions

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea’s own suggestions for peace with Ethiopia; EU-Sudan continue migration cooperation; Mandate extension bill for South Sudanese President; MSF concerned that torture in Libya is underestimated; AU’s alternative proposal to manage migration; EU Parliament disagrees with last week Summit’s decisions; EC announces new funding to help Spain and Greece deal with migration flows; French-Italian border: a manifestation of EU’s failure in migration; and how to include refugees in policy making.

News Highlights: South Sudanese peace deal, Eritrean and Ethiopian leaders to meet soon, EU Summit’s conclusions on migration

In this week’s news highlights: South Sudan peace deal signed; UN Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations discusses the peace deal;Eritrean and Ethiopian PMs to meet soon; The new EU Conclusions on migration management further increase border externalization, proposing ‘disembarkation platforms’; Experts denounce EU migration policy; Don’t build walls, support refugees to support themselves, ex refugee says; Oxford Professor suggests EU can be taught lessons by Africa’s migration management.