News Highlights: UNHCR concern over ‘scattered’ refugees in Tigray, 1000 refugees returned to Libya, EU visa restrictions proposed over returns

In this week’s news highlights: UNHCR confirms destruction of refugee camps in Ethiopia; Reports of forced displacement of Tigrayans in western Tigray region by Amhara troops; Report of meeting between Eritrean and Ethiopian senior officials and foreign experts in Tigray; Kenya aims to close two refugee camps housing Somali refugees; Joint EU-IOM plan for returning migrants from Libya to Horn of Africa and other countries; IOM appeals for $99 million for migrants stranded in Yemen; Around 1000 migrants intercepted and forced to return to Libya; Spanish NGO rescues more than 200 migrants and refugees at sea; IOM report on high number of deaths at sea; EU to consider visa restrictions for 13 African and Middle East countries; EU Commissioner calls on Greece to investigate allegations of illegal pushbacks; Drones used for surveillance on migrants and refugees at EU external borders; Angela Merkel approves the EU-Turkey deal on migration; and IOM analysis on benefits of migration on communities.

News Highlights: EU adopts global human rights sanctions regime, UN’s new deal on access to Tigray, Agreement return unaccompanied minors to Morocco

In this week’s news highlights: After UN security team was detained and fired at in Tigray, UN reaches new aid deal with Ethiopia; Soldiers in Eritrean uniforms seen in Tigray while Eritrean refugees flee from camps; Protests for peace in Tigray on Human Rights Day; US Army plans to dismantle troops in Somalia, after Ethiopia withdraws 3000 troops; Amnesty appeals for extension of current UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur; NGOs disappointed on human rights after France-Egypt meeting; EU adopts human rights sanctions regime; Agreement signed between France and Morocco on return of unaccompanied minors; 19 suspects detained in Italy in alleged human smuggling ring; Germany delays refugee resettlement until 2021; People in new Greek refugee camp at risk of lead poisoning; NGOs accused of smuggling for providing visas to Turkey; UNHCR data shows 80 million displaced people by mid-2020.

News Highlights: EU’s ‘no more roads’ approach in Eritrea, Amnesty publishes report on cycle of abuse in Libya, New European migration pact introduced

In this week’s news highlights: Human rights organization revokes lawsuit against EU for road-building in Eritrea, after EU announces ‘no more roads’ approach; 5 Sudanese artists convicted; Missing prisoners in Eritrea memorialized digitally; Review of book series on mobility and human trafficking by Dan Connell; EU imposes sanctions for human rights violations in Libya; Amnesty calls for the EU to reconsider collaboration with Libya; Rescue ship rescues 133 migrants and refugees, 128 others returned to Libya; New EU migration pact introduced; Italian authorities restrains Sea-Watch 4 ship; Italy makes deal with Tunisia to return 500-600 people monthly; UK Home Office lifts ban on evicting asylum seekers that have been denied status; Protests in Germany to receive more migrants; Intolerance of migrants increases.