News Highlights: Sudan peace talks resume as RSF takes Nyala, EU pushes for deal with Egypt, Germany and Italy implement border control

In this week’s News Highlights: Peace talks resume between SAF and RSF in Jeddah; RSF takes over Nyala as humanitarian help struggles to reach certain areas; Spread of Cholera and Dengue in Sudan; Preparatory Meeting for Civil Front to Stop the War in Sudan; European Parliament Roundtable on Eritrea statements; Ethiopian and Eritrean military presence at the border increases; Observers concerned over potential outbreak of conflict in Ethiopia and Eritrea; Tigray administration rejects national transitional justice initiative; Many areas in Tigray still inaccessible to aid, services remain blocked; SSC-Khatumo recognised by Somali government; Eritreans protest in Oslo; Risks of more floods in Libya with approach of the rainy season; EU pushing for Egypt-EU deal; European Council meeting includes migration on the agenda; Large numbers of arrivals in Spain spark racist remarks; Italy deal with Tunisia to take in 4,000 migrant workers; Reflections on Meloni’s policies; 254 migrants rescued off the coast of Lampedusa; Temporary border control implemented to curb migration in Germany and Italy; Highest number of refugees and migrants entering Germany irregularly since 2016; and Swedish government to make getting benefits for non-EU migrants harder.

News Highlights: RSF moves into Al Jazira state, Roundtable on Eritrea, Tunisia sends €60 million back to EU amidst tensions

In this week’s News Highlights: Roundtable on Eritrea; African Union speaks out on Israel-Palestinian conflict; RSF moving into Al Jazira state in Sudan; Number of deaths continues to mount in Sudan; UNHRC adopts resolution to establish independent fact finding mission in Sudan; Sudan education crisis as 19 million children are out of school; Bellingcat investigation geo-locates videos in Sudan; UN Special Adviser warns of heightened risk of genocide in Ethiopia; USAID resumes food aid to refugees in Ethiopia; Tigray Interim Government preparing for defence as ICHREE mandate not extended; Eritrean PFDJ-linked Council announces demonstration in Germany; Ethiopian diaspora calls for cessation of hostilities in Amhara and Oromia; Report looks at Libyan human smuggling dynamics; Tunisia hands back 60 million euros to EU; Tensions are rising between Maghreb countries and the EU; Reform of EU migration policy nears completion; European Commission’s response to Hungary about EU’s migration pact; Med5 group meets in Greece to discuss migration; German draft proposal to facilitate deportations; and German foreign minister addresses misunderstanding over funding to NGOs.