News Highlights: Eritrea wants to join UN Human Rights Council, Plea to aid Libya refugees, Displacement in Ethiopia

In this week’s news highlights: Opposition to Eritrea’s bid for membership in UN Human Rights Council; ethnic violence in Ethiopia causes internal displacement; South Sudan joins 1951 Refugee Convention; suicide attack in Mogadishu on Italian military vehicle; media freedom threatened in Africa, says article; Hungary opposes UN Migration Compact; Human Rights Organisations want Aquarius to continue rescue mission; Human Rights Organisations urge international community to aid refugees trapped in Libya.

Berhane Abrehe arrested in Eritrea

Former Eritrean minister of finance Berhane Abrehe, prominent critic of Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, has reportedly been arrested in Asmara on Sunday morning, 16 September. Observers had expected the Eritrean regime to take action against Berhane after the publication of his two-volume book “Eritrea Hagerey” (Eritrea, my Country) in which he called for prompt elections and the replacement of Isaias Afwerki.