News Highlights: Eritrea Foundation summons EU over forced labour, Fighting around Tripoli, Roundtable discusses Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea Foundation summons the EU to stop supporting use of forced labour in Eritrea Project; Roundtable at the EU parliament hosted by MEPs and EEPA; EU increases on FRONTEX capacity and reach; UNHCR Senior Official raised concerns on the situation of 35 children in Calais; 250 NGOs ask Angela Merkel for a Mediterranean solidarity plan; Dutch government blocks Sea Watch 3 and other NGOs; The UN Human Rights Committee expresses grave concern on the human rights situation in Eritrea; Fighting in south Tripoli, UN expresses concern; report describes the shift from smuggling to trafficking in Libya; and UNHCR calls for more funding for refugees in Libya.

Roundtable on 1 April at the EU parliament: “Inhumane treatment and trafficking of people in Libya – The EU’s and EU Member states’ responsibility”

The roundtable was held from 18:30 – 20:00 and was hosted by Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL Group) and Ana Gomes (S&D Group) together with the organisation Europe External Programme with Africa (EEPA). Human rights activists, journalists, NGO representatives and experts spoke during … Continued

News Highlights: Press conference: Eritrea Foundation summons EU, EU pushback to Libya, operation Sophia ships suspended

In this week’s news highlights: Foundation prepares legal action against EU over use of forced labour in Eritrea; European Parliament hosts Roundtable on Libya; Pro-Asyl denounces EU push back of migrants and refugees; EU suspends ship operations of operation Sophia; French Constitutional Council authorises bone tests to determine migrants age; 200 refugees forced to leave their accommodation in Greece; WRC reports on the sexual violence practicises against refugees in Libya; 30 migrants lost in the Mediterranean; Amnesty International denounces the human rights situation in Libya at UNHRC; Closure of detention centre Al Hamdi in Tunisia; Eritreans continue to flee their country, says Ethiopia; and the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan reports a ‘endemic’ sexual violences situation in the country.