Horn Highlights: Starvation looms over Tigray and the Horn, Ethiopian soldiers ask asylum in Sudan, Violence in West Darfur

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Few aid trucks arrive in Tigray; 1,900 children dead of starvation, says Tigray bureau of health; Debretsion sends letter to UN urging for humanitarian corridors; Hundreds of Ethiopians line up to fight for Russia; Ethiopian soldiers ask for asylum in Sudan; Hundreds killed in violence in West Darfur; Several Horn countries agree on defence cooperation; Suicide attack in Somalia; Drought continues to threaten mass starvation in the Horn.

News Highlights: US Senate approves Ethiopia sanctions framework, Non-white refugees from Ukraine in detention, ICC holds first Darfur trial

In this week’s News Highlights: Aid trucks still unable to reach Tigray despite the humanitarian truce; US Senate approves Ethiopia Peace and Stabilization Act; UN investigation on human rights violations to go ahead despite Ethiopian protest; Analysts assess truce in Ethiopia; Ethiopia urged to uphold press freedom; Ethiopian Government to repatriate 100,000 nationals from Saudi Arabia; 304 civilian air force-related deaths Tigray and Afar since December; First Darfur trial to be held by the ICC; Economic and security collapse looming in Sudan; Flooding expected to worsen in South Sudan; Drought impact in Somalia; 158 people saved in Mediterranean Sea; Non-white refugees coming from Ukraine held in detention in Poland; One Eritrean refugee dead and three injured on the way to UK; Protecting Ukrainian women and children refugees from sex traffickers; Arrivals by boat from Africa in Spain increasing ; Russia accused by the UN of causing hunger crisis; and Adoption of the Doha Programme with some reservations.