News Highlights: Study 2% Eritrean diaspora tax, clashes in Ethiopia, remembering crackdown Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: new study published on 2% diaspora tax for Eritreans in Europe confirming reports of coercion and threat; German charity denies Italian allegations that its rescue ship has had contact with Libyan smugglers; European Parliament delegation visits Tunisia to discuss about current situation of migrants and refugees; BCC launches websites for Eritrean and Ethiopian audiences; Ethiopian ethnic crisis may escalate as officials point fingers at each other; Eritrean people remember the day in which the government crackdown of 2001.

News Highlights: ECJ dismisses complaints refugee quota, Eritrean rebels video, Libya’s recent history

In this week’s news highlights: Italian interior minister Marco Minniti defends his strategy of making deals in Libya to stop migration; the European Court of Justice throws out complaints of Hungary and Slovakia against mandatory relocation of refugees; Eritrean rebels fear the support of Gulf states to Afewerki’s regime; Ethiopia’s drought situation declared major issue by UN; warnings about Cholera in Sudan; Libya’s fragmentation and deals with EU member states are analysed; and Human Rights Watch report states United Nation should start an investigation on torture as possible Crime Against Humanity in Egypt.