Libyan court blocks the Italy-Libya deal on cooperation against illegal migration

Tripoli’s Court blocked the Italy-Libya deal. The 24th of March, the Court of the Administrative division in Tripoli ruled on the Memorandum of Understanding signed with Italy on 2nd of February this year in Rome. The court declared that “the MoU will be blocked urgently until the lawsuit is tackled in full”, the Libya Observer reported.

Report: Trends in human trafficking and smuggling in post-revolutionary Libya

The smuggling activity in Libya is nothing new. However, many big changes were brought on by the 2011 revolution. A research report from March 2017 by author Mark Micallef from the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime highlights, through a multi-layered and cross-country field research, several consequences that emerged from the smuggling activity in the aftermath of the Libyan Revolution.

Two reports call for protection of refugees and migrants along Central Mediterranean Route

In the past week, two reports have highlighted the dangers faced by refugees and migrants on their route to Europe. A report by UNICEF highlights the dangers faced by women and children on the route from North Africa to Italy. A report by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) highlights the desperate situation of many Eritrean refugees, criticising the EU for creating policies to keep them out, along with other migrants and refugees.