News Highlights: International group enters Eritrea, Violence in Libya traps migrants, Italy and Hungary to form ‘anti-migration front’

In this week’s news highlights: A group of international researchers and academics cross into Eritrea to assess the situation; German minister visits Eritrea; Ethiopian PM holds press conference promising continued reforms; Heavy rain has caused damage in Sudan; South Sudan rebel leader ready to sign comprehensive peace deal; Clashes in Libya trap migrants and refugees in detention centres; Italy and Hungary form anti-migration front; Italian deputy PM threatens to block EU budget; NGO concerned about situation on Greek Island; and Germany experiences far-right protests and violence.

News Highlights: No ground for Eritrea asylum says Swiss Court, Libyan coastguard “abandoned people”,Tajani: “Niger example of EU success”

In this week’s news highlights: With the peace deal, Eritrean people hope to gain their rights; Religious prisoners in Eritrea released, but numbers are unclear; UN sanctions arms flow to South Sudan; Ethiopian intellectuals submit their proposal on peace talks; Somalia’s future under the MAF; Spanish NGO finds dead people, says Libyan Coastguard abandoned them; 8 people dead, 90 in serious condition in Libya after journey in shipping container; Swiss Court does not find legal basis to provide asylum to Eritreans; and EP President Tajani sees Niger as reflection of EU’s success.

News Highlights: Eritrean government on peace, AU reflects on migration management, EU Parliament concerned with EU Summit decisions

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea’s own suggestions for peace with Ethiopia; EU-Sudan continue migration cooperation; Mandate extension bill for South Sudanese President; MSF concerned that torture in Libya is underestimated; AU’s alternative proposal to manage migration; EU Parliament disagrees with last week Summit’s decisions; EC announces new funding to help Spain and Greece deal with migration flows; French-Italian border: a manifestation of EU’s failure in migration; and how to include refugees in policy making.