News Highlights: Record 23,000 refugees returned to Libya in 2021, NGOs warn of mass surveillance of refugees, Tigray facing famine

In this week’s highlights: The Elders address UNSC on Tigray; Refugees in Ethiopia approved for resettlement refused departure in Addis, say witnesses; UN urges opening of Tigray for aid; 29 Tigrayan bodies found in the river between Sudan and Ethiopia; 5,000 Ethiopian migrants blocked in Yemen; Ethiopia’s competing alliances; Over 23,000 refugees returned to Libya this year; More than 10,000 refugees attempted to cross from Tunisia to Italy; NGOs warn that extension of fingerprint database is a threat to refugee privacy; UK may push back refugees crossing the Channel; Migrants stuck at the EU-Belarus border facing dire conditions; Migrants and refugees arrested on unlawful reentry charges in Italy; Asylum seekers in Lesbos living in precarious temporary camp; and Education of refugee children “now under threat”.

News Highlights: Refugees in Tigray under threat, Denmark returning Syrian refugees “a dangerous precedent”, 1 in 3 trafficking victims are minors

In this week’s highlights: Eritrean refugees unsafe in Ethiopia; WFP running out of food in Tigray; 3,000 Ethiopian refugees from Amhara crossed over into Sudan this week; 32 suspects of human trafficking arrested in Sudan; 5,500 people pushed back this year in Europe; Denmark to return Syrian refugees in “a dangerous precedent”; Trafficking victims exploited in Europe identified in Italy are increasingly mothers and children; Nearly 1,000 refugees have died crossing the Central Mediterranean; Turkey refusing to take on more refugee cases as 500 refugees intercepted this week; Over 550 refugees intercepted by UK and French coast guard; 70th anniversary of the 1951 Refugee Convention; COVID-19 has worsened global malnutrition.

News Highlights: Three MSF workers killed in Tigray; Key aid supply bridge destroyed in Tigray; Greece to allow refugee travel in EU

In this week’s news highlights: Key supply bridge connecting western Tigray destroyed; EEPA webinar discusses Eritrean involvement in Tigray; Hundreds dying in inaccessible areas in Tigray; Three MSF workers murdered in Tigray; Organisations call for protection of civilians amid changes in Tigray; Kenya accused of illegally deporting asylum seekers; MSF workers forced to leave detention centres over risk of violence;; Greek minister reinstates freedom of travel for refugees and migrants; Four hundred migrants and refugees on hunger strike in Brussels; Seven refugees drown as boat capsizes off the coast of Lampedusa; Malta asks Libyan coast guard to intercept a refugee boat; IOM states that refugees and migrants healthcare being neglected on a global scale.