News Highlights: Study 2% Eritrean diaspora tax, clashes in Ethiopia, remembering crackdown Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: new study published on 2% diaspora tax for Eritreans in Europe confirming reports of coercion and threat; German charity denies Italian allegations that its rescue ship has had contact with Libyan smugglers; European Parliament delegation visits Tunisia to discuss about current situation of migrants and refugees; BCC launches websites for Eritrean and Ethiopian audiences; Ethiopian ethnic crisis may escalate as officials point fingers at each other; Eritrean people remember the day in which the government crackdown of 2001.

News Highlights: Swiss ruling returning Eritreans, Sudan deports 30 children, Libya detention centre video

In this week’s news highlights: A Swiss court ruling has stated that any Eritrean who has completed the national service can be sent back to Eritrea; UN official warns that South Sudan’s planned election might prolong the civil war; NGO warns that Ethiopia is not to be trusted with respecting the rights of political opponents; 30 Eritrean children forced to return from Sudan, and many other people at imminent risk; US to stop issuing certain visas for Eritreans over refusing deportations; Somalia in intensive fights against the Islamic-State on the southern border of the country; and a video of Libya’s ‘lawless’ migrant detention centres.

The fragmentation of Libya and the response of the European Union

More than one month has passed since the series of European meetings with two rival Libyan representatives, Tripoli government’s prime minister al-Serraj and general Haftar, governor of the north-eastern regions, which saw French and Italian governments involved as peace seekers. What is Libya’s current situation and what does this mean for the migrants and refugees in Libya?