Libyan court blocks the Italy-Libya deal on cooperation against illegal migration

Tripoli’s Court blocked the Italy-Libya deal. The 24th of March, the Court of the Administrative division in Tripoli ruled on the Memorandum of Understanding signed with Italy on 2nd of February this year in Rome. The court declared that “the MoU will be blocked urgently until the lawsuit is tackled in full”, the Libya Observer reported.

Secret mission Eritrea: joint cooperation to curb migration

Switzerland, Germany, Norway and Sweden tighten their bond with the Eritrean regime to curb migration from Eritrea. The Swiss newspaper St. Galler Tagblatt reported earlier this month that a joint delegation visited Asmara in January to hold talks on migration with Yemane Gebreab, Eritrea’s head of political affairs and adviser to the president Isaias Afewerki. The delegation consisted of Anne Lugon-Moulin, head of the department Sub Sahara Africa of the Swiss Department for Foreign Affairs (EDA), the German ambassador to Asmara Andreas Zimmer and two delegates responsible for migration from Norway and Sweden. The mission was later confirmed by the Swiss Department for Foreign Affairs (EDA). The talks are expected to lead to new repatriation agreements with Eritrea.

News Highlights: human trafficking book, EU-Eritrea cooperation, aid for famine

In this week’s news highlights we will share with you: the book launch of Human Trafficking and Trauma in the Digital Era: The Ongoing Tragedy of Trade in Refugees from Eritrea and the latest political events that give an overview of Europe’s tendencies in migration politics. In the Horn of Africa, famine is increasing but international response is reluctant. Also included: increasing human rights abuses in South Sudan, cross-border attacks between Ethiopia and South Sudan and an update on Ethiopia’s state of emergency.