Book publication: human trafficking in the digital era, trauma & the involvement of the Eritrean regime

After over five years of field work Professor at Tilburg University and Leiden University Mirjam van Reisen and Professor Munyaradzi Mawere from Great Zimbabwe University launched their new book entitled Human Trafficking and Trauma in the Digital Era: The Ongoing Tragedy of Trade in Refugees from Eritrea last Friday, 10 March 2017. The book sheds new light on the thriving business of human trafficking for ransom with severe torture practices, also named Sinai trafficking, and traces back its origins. It presents the findings that show how money is made with the smuggling of Eritrean refugees and how the booming business runs with inhuman practices such as violence, hostage situations and torture.

Two reports call for protection of refugees and migrants along Central Mediterranean Route

In the past week, two reports have highlighted the dangers faced by refugees and migrants on their route to Europe. A report by UNICEF highlights the dangers faced by women and children on the route from North Africa to Italy. A report by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) highlights the desperate situation of many Eritrean refugees, criticising the EU for creating policies to keep them out, along with other migrants and refugees.

News Highlights: UNICEF and MSF report, EU-North Africa cooperation, Eritreans held ransom

In this week’s news highlights we will share with you: the latest MSF report on the situation of Eritrean refugees and the UNICEF report documenting the situation of refugees on the Mediterranean route. Latest news of this week covers Europe’s increasing cooperation with African countries. News highlights concerning the Horn of Africa include recent developments in Sudan and South Sudan.