News Highlights: Humanitarian crisis in Tigray, 110 deaths due to shipwrecks off Libyan coast, 15-year-old refugee killed in Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Statement on the Ethiopian conflict by Interreligious Council of Ethiopia; Conflict in Tigray enhances humanitarian crisis; At least 31,000 refugees from Ethiopia fled to Sudan; AMECEA Bishops call for peaceful talks amid the conflict in Ethiopia; 15-year-old Eritrean refugee killed in refugee shelter in Libya; At least 110 deaths in 4 shipwrecks off Libyan coasts; Spanish government concerned about high number of landings in Canary Islands; Locations of 32,000 asylum seekers in Greece unknown; Asylum seekers arrested for driving boats across the English Channel; Father charged after the death of his son in crossing; Irregular migrant camp dismantled by french police; Refugees raise alarm for violation of human rights in British camp; and Record law in refugee resettlement to be reached in 2020.
For frequent updates about the situation in the Horn, please see the EEPA Horn situation reports.

News Highlights: Eritrean embassy office reprimanded by Netherlands, Deportation of Sudanese man ruled unlawful, Frontex implicated in pushbacks

In this week’s news highlights: Dutch Minister takes action against Eritrean embassy amid coerced fund collection; Frontex implicated in illegal “push-backs”; Four asylum seekers, including two children, die trying to cross the English Channel; OXFAM Italia reports on increased human rights violations due to migration deals; Italian ex-minister to go to trial for alleged kidnapping in rescue boat case; Home Office reduces minimum required salary for migrants to settle; Blog posts to be written by experts on new migration pact; Forced repatriation of a Sudanese refugee from Belgium has been considered unlawful by ECHR; Updated list of missing Eritrean political prisoners published by Eritrea Hub; German government provides funding to Ethiopia for border and migration management; Eritrean asylum seekers face increased difficulty in Ethiopia amidst COVID-19 and reception restrictions; Hunger strike by two Eritrean refugees in Egypt jail; ILO and IOM sign agreement to improve collaboration on migration; and India ships food aid to countries in the Horn of Africa.

The EU and the Horn of Africa: Migration in the middle

“[I]t is a partnership of equals, where both sides share opportunities and responsibilities. Africa will be a key partner in building the world we want to live in – whether on climate, digital or trade,” stated President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, during her speech at the State of The Union conference on Monday 16 September in front of the European Parliament. This is the guideline that the Commission means to take forward this year with regard to relations between the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU).