Five EU member states agree on new temporary relocation scheme to share responsibility of migrants and refugees rescued at Sea

On September 23, the interior ministers of Germany, France, Italy, Finland and Malta agreed on a temporary and voluntary scheme to divide migrants that arrive or are saved from the Mediterranean Sea among the five countries, outside of an EU framework. The proposal aims at relieving Italy and Malta from the high number of migrants and refugees that are arriving at their ports and moves away from the actions of the previous Italian government led by Matteo Salvini, who forbade several rescue boats to dock in Italy. The five countries hope that the scheme may set up an EU-wide relocation scheme that can increase the efficiency of resettling those rescued at sea.

Political instability in Greece intensifies, while refugees and migrants on Greek islands suffer

Over the summer, Greece has seen an increase in refugees arriving at the shores of Greek Islands. 7,000 people have arrived at the Greek Islands in August alone, bringing the number of refugees and migrants on the islands up to 24,000 people. However, the amount of people coming to Greece might further intensify, as the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced plans of sending refugees to Europe. The situation is expected to be considered at the United Nations General Assembly from September 17 until September 30.

News Highlights: Eritrea named ‘most censored country’, Norway reconsiders Eritrean asylum requests, agreement with Rwanda on Libya evacuations

In this week’s news highlights: Bishops criticize the seizure of Eritrean schools; Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and Eritrean President Afwerki meet; Eritrea tops list of most censored countries in report; Humanitarian aid suspended in Gambela, Ethiopia after two aid workers died; New Eritrean representative gives credentials to the UN; Ugandan refugee camp’s alternative approach; Announcement of Refugee Summit in Addis Ababa; Turkey pressures the EU for more money; Undocumented refugees and migrants do not access social services; Norwegian government reviews asylum status Eritrean refugees celebrating with Eritrean regime; Teams of rescue ships in political dilemma; MOU on evacuating refugees from Libya to Rwanda; Interior Minister of Libya meets with INTERPOL; and thousands of people die on African migration routes.