News Highlights: Refugees Sudan report coercion by UNHCR, Report on trauma and trust on minor refugees, Foreign interference in Somalia

In this week’s news highlights: New report on trauma in relation to trust of Eritrean unaccompanied minors; Refugees report systematic coercion to pay for services of UNHCR in Sudan; External actors should not interfere with Somali internal affairs, AU and EU urge; UN warns of grave international humanitarian law violations in Sudan; IOM returnsEthiopians trapped in Yemen; Cyclone in Somaliland causes severe damage, UN focuses on long-term resilience building; Report discusses reasons why Eritrea does not implement ACHPR; Start of Post-Cotonou talks possibly delayed; EU’s new assistance package for migration; UNHCR deeply concerned with developments in Hungary; MEPs’ sharp answers to findings of Frontex Consultative Forum; New European Parliament Resolution on Sudan; Libyan rival leaders agree on election plan.

Report on Frontex Activities generates sharp responses from MEPs

Recently, Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) of the European Parliament (EP) hosted the Frontex Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights to discuss their Fifth Annual Report where the consultative forum outlined their activities, observations and recommendations to Frontex and its Management Board on the Agency’s fundamental rights responsibilities. The Members’ of the Eurorean Parliament (MEPs) comments were sharp.

News Highlights: UN official: no improvement in South Sudan; Amnesty International condemns EU; Eritrea accuses Sudan, Ethiopia, Qatar

In this week’s news highlights: New data protection regulation; UN official says things in South Sudan are getting worse; Eritrea accuses 3 countries of supporting opposition Jihadist groups; UN and human rights groups support Noura Hussein; EC calls for further work on immigration; Amnesty International criticize the EU’s support to Libya; Report describes IDPs in Africa; New Greek Bill for Asylum seekers; Eritreans plan rally in Switzerland for asylum rights; Eritreans’ demonstration in Egypt.