News Highlights: DPM takes over in Ethiopia as escalation looms, Rights groups ask ICC to investigate Libya, Leaked EU document on arresting smugglers

In this week news highlights: First Humanitarian trucks arrive in Tigray since October; Ethiopia removes Irish diplomats and asks the US to stop spreading fake news; UAE airbridge to Ethiopia; Former NZ PM warns of potential genocide in Ethiopia; UN warns of new wave of displacement in Western Tigray; UN SG calls for immediate ceasefire; Ethiopian government bans reporting on war; Deputy Prime Minister takes over daily tasks in Ethiopia; Protests in Sudan Continue; Normalization between Sudan and Israel raises fear of deportation after coup; 780,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance in South Sudan; Severe drought forces thousands to relocate in Somalia; New law to facilitate refugee integration in Kenya; 75 individuals drowned in the Mediterranean Sea; Rights groups ask the ICC to investigate migrants abuses in Libya as potential crimes against humanity; Europe document detailing strategy for smuggler arrests revealed; More deaths in the English Channel; Four persons suspected of smuggling and torturing migrants in North Macadonia; Over 370 individuals rescued off Canary Islands; Migrants say they were tortured by Polish and Belarusian police; Stop Soros law criminalizing asylum seekers incompatible with EU law; NGOs accuse Greece of detaining migrants illegally; and Asylum seekers rights deteriorated due to COVID-19 lockdown measures.

News Highlights: US announces Ethiopia sanctions, Joint Tigray probe completed but incomplete, Children at risk in Greek camps

In this week’s news highlights: Joint UN-EHRC investigation completed but incomplete; HRW publishes report on atrocities against Eritrean refugees; 31 Eritrean refugees sentenced to be returned to Eritrea; Humanitarian updates from Tigray look bleak against food shortage and locust reports; Tigray businesses see suspension of licenses; Tigray Atlas updated; UN calls for GERD dam tensions resolution; South Sudan food assistance suspended for many amidst shortages; Drought in Kenya; 20-year anniversary of mass arrests in Eritrea; Two human traffickers arrested in Libya; Hundreds of Moroccan refugees illegally detained in Libya; 125 refugees rescued by Italian coast guards; Five alleged members of Libyan trafficking ring arrested in Italy; Children’s health at risk in Lesbos refugees camps; Refugees face 4 year prison sentence in the UK; Refugees treated like “prisoners” in UK quarantine hotels; MPI released report on resettlement and complementary pathways.

News Highlights: Record 23,000 refugees returned to Libya in 2021, NGOs warn of mass surveillance of refugees, Tigray facing famine

In this week’s highlights: The Elders address UNSC on Tigray; Refugees in Ethiopia approved for resettlement refused departure in Addis, say witnesses; UN urges opening of Tigray for aid; 29 Tigrayan bodies found in the river between Sudan and Ethiopia; 5,000 Ethiopian migrants blocked in Yemen; Ethiopia’s competing alliances; Over 23,000 refugees returned to Libya this year; More than 10,000 refugees attempted to cross from Tunisia to Italy; NGOs warn that extension of fingerprint database is a threat to refugee privacy; UK may push back refugees crossing the Channel; Migrants stuck at the EU-Belarus border facing dire conditions; Migrants and refugees arrested on unlawful reentry charges in Italy; Asylum seekers in Lesbos living in precarious temporary camp; and Education of refugee children “now under threat”.