News Highlights: Fighting erupts in Sudan, EP approves part of EU migration reform, Concern over political situation in Tunisia

In this week’s news highlights: Fighting erupts between RSF and SAF in Sudan; Sudan’s humanitarian situation; Efforts to mediate in Sudan; Targeting of diplomats and aid workers in Sudan; Ethiopia says it finalised the dismantling of the regional forces – clashes continue; Shide talks with the World Bank Group President; Tigray meeting on Demobilization, Disarmament, and Reintegration; Kenya’s Ruto seeks resumption of talks; South Sudan cabinet approves Election Act; Joint call on the Laascaanood conflict; Concern over political situation in Tunisia; US cuts funds for Libya-Tunisia Electronic Border Security Program; EP approves central part of EU migration reform; Warning from analysts to ensure AI does not harm refugees and migrants; Meloni announces “Mattei Plan” in Ethiopia; Italy’s plans to crack down on migration; 60 rescued in Malta after pressure from NGO; One dies after boat capsizes off Greek coast; and Law condoning pushbacks passed in Lithuania.

News Highlights: Clashes in Amhara, Fears of RSF/Army confrontation in Sudan, Three boats sink off Tunisia

In this week’s news highlights: Violent protests in Amhara against the dismantling of regional forces; Ethiopia talks with IMF over possible USD 2 billion in funding; New displacements from Western Tigray; Discussions on transitional justice in Tigray; Eritrean delegation visits Kenya’s Ruto; RSF mobilisation as fears of conflict rise in Sudan; Perthes under threat, UN asks for investigation; Türk expresses concerns over situation in Sudan; Agreement Sudan/South Sudan talks over Abyei region; Guterres in Somalia for a visit of solidarity; Three boats sink off Tunisian coast, many dead and missing; Tunisian police commits forceful intervention against migrants and asylum seekers; Alleged Libya route human trafficker arrested in Nigeria; Italy announces emergency state on immigration; Reception facility in Lampedusa overcrowded; Malta tells ship not to rescue people in need; IOM says first 2023 quarter the deadliest in 6 years on the Mediterranean; and HRW condemns UN resolution over Libya human right’s violations.

News Highlights: UNHCR’s operation in Libya investigated, Operation Sophia extended, First evacuations from Libya to Rwanda

In this week’s news highlights: UNHCR in Libya accused of neglect and mismanagement in 4-part investigation; First group of people evacuated from Libya to Rwanda; Returnees flee after arrival in Libya; IOM urges closure of Tajoura detention centre; New Country of Origin Information on Eritrea confirms no change in human rights; RSF accused of pressuring the European Union; Bad conditions at Shagarab Camp in Sudan; Belgian and Eritrean Catholic Church representatives meet in Belgium; Three Jehovah’s Witnesses imprisoned for 25 years in Eritrea; Operation Sophia continues for an additional six months; Two people die in a fire at Greek refugee camp; Greece calls for help from other EU member states and Frontex; and Germany strengthens random checks at borders.