Horn Highlights: Foundation announces legal action on Eritrea, Witnesses say Amhara forces are hiding atrocity evidence, Prisoners tortured in Sudan

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Foundation announces legal action on Eritrea in 10 May press conference; Amhara security forces hiding evidence of ethnic cleansing, say witnesses; Aid flow to Tigray remains trickle; CPJ calls for the release of journalists in Ethiopia who could face death penalty; UN’s Bachelet condemns religious violence in Ethiopia; Civilian casualties in Oromia; Eritrea-Tigray rivalry role in famine; Analysts warn resumption of Ethiopia conflict imminent; Rock-hewn churches at risk; Tigrayans call for release of prisoners; GERD cyberattack; Lawyers accuse Sudanese authorities of torturing prisoners; Sudan opposition group refuses to participate in UN-led dialogue; Eritrean Press Agency claims Russia sent drones to Eritrea in exchange for naval base; Eritrean asylum seeker challenges Swiss return of Eritreans with torture story; Somalia set to elect president of 15 May; and Pope to visit South Sudan in July. 

News Highlights: US Senate approves Ethiopia sanctions framework, Non-white refugees from Ukraine in detention, ICC holds first Darfur trial

In this week’s News Highlights: Aid trucks still unable to reach Tigray despite the humanitarian truce; US Senate approves Ethiopia Peace and Stabilization Act; UN investigation on human rights violations to go ahead despite Ethiopian protest; Analysts assess truce in Ethiopia; Ethiopia urged to uphold press freedom; Ethiopian Government to repatriate 100,000 nationals from Saudi Arabia; 304 civilian air force-related deaths Tigray and Afar since December; First Darfur trial to be held by the ICC; Economic and security collapse looming in Sudan; Flooding expected to worsen in South Sudan; Drought impact in Somalia; 158 people saved in Mediterranean Sea; Non-white refugees coming from Ukraine held in detention in Poland; One Eritrean refugee dead and three injured on the way to UK; Protecting Ukrainian women and children refugees from sex traffickers; Arrivals by boat from Africa in Spain increasing ; Russia accused by the UN of causing hunger crisis; and Adoption of the Doha Programme with some reservations.

News Highlights: 1 million flee Ukraine, UN Commission of Experts to investigate Ethiopia, Humanitarian flight from Libya

In this week’s news highlights: UN Commission of Experts to investigate possible violations of international law in Ethiopia; Medical facilities’ lack of supplies cause patients’ deaths in Tigray; Children severely impacted by drought; Dissolution of the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission; Illicit trade of historical artefacts from Tigray; Teenagers arrested and allegedly tortured following pro-democracy protests in Sudan; Attempted armed attack on a food convoy in South Sudan; Nine people drown as boat capsizes off Tunisia; Humanitarian flight arrives with 99 refugees from Libya; War in Ukraine reveals different treatment of refugees; 1 million Ukrainian refugees have fled their country; Temporary protection to be granted to Ukraine refugees; Wave of Ukraine refugees finds Poland not prepared; A UN resolution demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces, and those opposing it; A war with repercussions for Africa’s food supplies; Event addresses risks for women in the run-up to Women’s Day; Opening of an investigation by the ICC on “crimes against humanity” in Ukraine.