News Highlights: AU-EU Summit reveals critical issues, WHO cannot distribute medicines in Tigray, Refugees protest in Tunisia

In this week news highlights: AU-EU Summit draws leaders to Brussels; Side event discusses Critical Issues For AU-EU Collaboration On Health And Science; Tigray demonstration at the sidelines of the AU-EU Summit; Hospitals in Tigray in trouble amidst severe shortages, WHO aid stuck; Amnesty report states Tigrayan forces committed atrocities in Amhara, Tigray government’s response; Response to the US “Ethiopia Stabilization, Peace and Democracy Act”; Early lifting of state emergency in Ethiopia; Possible removal of the TPLF from the Ethiopian list of terrorist groups, says EU Envoy; A dialogue between Sudanese and Ethiopian ambassadors; Sudan’s Sovereignty Council Chairman speaks to AU Chairman; 4.1 million Somalians need urgent food, warns UN; Refugees in Tunisia protest; Organisations urge the German government to help Afghan refugees; Hypothermia or injuries prevalent during UK crossing; Refugees fear becoming trapped in another conflict in Ukraine; East Europe prepares for refugees

Horn Highlights: US imposes sanctions on Eritrea, UN says at least a 1000 detained, EU concerns about the “unraveling” of Ethiopia

In this Horn news highlights: The US imposes sanctions on Eritrea, and Ethiopia denounces them; Diaspora organisation Eritrea Focus welcomes sanctions; Oromo Professor sets out a first roadmap on Ethiopian transition; US State Secretary goes to Africa; starvation is taking … Continued

News Highlights: Arrests of Tigrayans increasing in Ethiopia, Libya evacuations resume, Another pushback allegation for Greece

In this week news highlights: Foreign citizens of Tigrayan descent detained in Ethiopia; 70 UN aid drivers detained in Ethiopia; Mass arrests of Tigrayans continues; Amnesty International reports rapes by Tigrayan fighters; Ethiopian government open for negotiations with preconditions; UNSC discussed Sudan on Thursday; Sudanese lawyer sketches three possible directions after Sudan coup; Conflict in Tigray compounds crises in neighbouring countries; Sudan to open two more refugee camps; 170 refugees relocated to Niger from Libya; Migrants and refugees stranded in Tunisia; Almost 900 individuals crossed the Channel; Greek authorities accused of illegal pushbacks; Thousands of migrants and refugees landed in Italy this week; Spanish police arrest 15 individuals for human smuggling; Hundreds of migrants and refugees stranded at Polish-Belarusian border, EU considers blacklisting airlines; and Organizations appealing to world leaders to tackle climate change impacts on migration.