News Highlights: Starvation crimes reported in Tigray, EU leaders support Libya’s ‘migration management’, Protests in Greece

In this week’s news highlights: World Peace Foundation reports intentional starvation in Tigray; 35 christians arrested in Eritrea; Women and girls released after being abducted in South Sudan, more remain missing; Refugees face insecurity amid Kenya’s decision to shut down refugee camps; Somalia publishes plans for a durable social development strategy for IDPs;  EU and US possibly “working closely” on Tigray conflict; EU applauds Libyan interim government for “migration management”; EU is concerned about Turkish human rights violations but renews migrant deal; Tensions between Greece and Turkey over migration; Spanish riot police fire rubber bullets at migrants and refugees clashing over food; Lesbos refugees denounce dire conditions as EU promises to build new migrant facilities; 37 NGOs call for transparency as Maltese Armed Forces are accused of halting rescue operation; and UNHCR sheds light on lack of vaccines for refugees.

News Highlights: UNHCR concern over ‘scattered’ refugees in Tigray, 1000 refugees returned to Libya, EU visa restrictions proposed over returns

In this week’s news highlights: UNHCR confirms destruction of refugee camps in Ethiopia; Reports of forced displacement of Tigrayans in western Tigray region by Amhara troops; Report of meeting between Eritrean and Ethiopian senior officials and foreign experts in Tigray; Kenya aims to close two refugee camps housing Somali refugees; Joint EU-IOM plan for returning migrants from Libya to Horn of Africa and other countries; IOM appeals for $99 million for migrants stranded in Yemen; Around 1000 migrants intercepted and forced to return to Libya; Spanish NGO rescues more than 200 migrants and refugees at sea; IOM report on high number of deaths at sea; EU to consider visa restrictions for 13 African and Middle East countries; EU Commissioner calls on Greece to investigate allegations of illegal pushbacks; Drones used for surveillance on migrants and refugees at EU external borders; Angela Merkel approves the EU-Turkey deal on migration; and IOM analysis on benefits of migration on communities.

News Highlights: Violations in Tigray may lead to further sanctions, EU migration policies endanger lives,  Trafficking victims freed in Libya

In this week’s news highlights: War in Tigray regional seemingly pre-planned; Updates about human traffickers at Addis Ababa court; Displaced Tigrayans and Eritreans forcibly relocated; Christian prisoners released in Eritrea amidst Eritrean involvement in Tigray war; IDPs in Somalia relocated by IOM; UNHCR says it should have full access to Tigray as long as it alerts authorities; Migrants drowned off Djibouti coast on the way to Yemen; A fire in a migrant detention facility claims lives; 120 refugees held by human traffickers freed in Bani Walid; Migrants and refugees dead after two shipwrecks off the coast of Tunisia; EU and UK float further sanctions to Ethiopia over human rights violations; ActionAid investigates Italian and European migration responses; Migrant dead after stepping on a mine along the Bosnian border; UK anti-migrant rhetoric prevents undocumented migrants from getting vaccines; EU migration policies endanger lives; Surge of anti-migration rhetoric worries academics; and COVID-19 socio-economic pressures impact refugee women especially.