News Highlights: Ethiopia establishes negotiation committee, First Rwanda flight from UK cancelled, Digital human rights concerns

In this week’s News Highlights: Ethiopian government established a negotiation committee; WFP forced to cut humanitarian aid in South Sudan for financial reasons; Drought weakens health system in Somalia and Somaliland; Special Rapporteur on Eritrea observe deterioration of human rights, 80 people rescued off the coasts of Tunisia and Libya; Thousands of people deported from Algeria and Libya to the Nigerian border; First flight to Rwanda from UK cancelled; Urgent attention needed on trafficking in human beings in Portugal, say experts; EU resolution calls for a ban on the import of forced labour products; Tightening of residence permit conditions in Turkey, especially for Syrians; UN High Commissioner for Human Rights concerned by “forcibly deported” Ukrainian children; Human rights rapporteurs’ concern grows over rising digital authoritarianism. 

Horn Highlights: Situation reports 209 t/m 211

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Tensions continue to be high in the Horn region. Tensions between the Ethiopian government and the FANO militia in Amhara cause Eritrean refugees to fear they may soon need to flee. Hunger as a cause of drought and lack of aid remains of high concern in the Horn region and the Tigray region in particular; despite an increase in aid to Tigray last week. 

News Highlights: Military tensions in the Horn, Refugee arrests in Libya, IFRC accuses EU of double standards

In this week’s News Highlights: Military tensions building in the Horn; Ethiopian Federal government and Oromo opposition clash in conflict that affects civilians; Journalist from The Economist expelled from Ethiopia; OCHA humanitarian update on Northern Ethiopia; Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected as President of Somalia; One person in the Horn is dying from hunger every 48 seconds, warn international organisations; Press conference recording announcing investigation into atrocity crimes in Eritrea; Campaign of refugee arrests in Libya; 19 persons drowned between Spain from Algeria; Network of 11 alleged human smugglers shut down between Morocco and Spain; Ukrainian women at risk of sex trafficking, OSCE warns; Camp of around 350 people evicted in Calais; A dozen alleged sex traffickers arrested in the UK and Romania; Petition for the recognition of gender-based violence in migration submitted to EU Parliament; Increase in crossings of the Channel due to milder weather conditions; Palermo Court hears of ‘dire conditions’ endured by refugees during 2019 rescue; Training programme for refugees and vulnerable migrants in Italy; Wreckage of boat to be erected as memorial in Calabria; and IFRC President says Europe applies “double standards”.