News Highlights: Dialogue on Eritrea in the UN HRC, Proposed UK bill would violate international law, warns EU, Sudan sanctions extended

In this week’s news highlights: UN High Commissioner calls for full implementation of CoH Agreement; Tigray government says interim administration not yet formed; UNHCR assessment in Eastern Tigray reveals widespread abuses; Witnesses speak on Eritrean massacre in October 2022; Effects of Tigray blockade linger; Interactive dialogue on Eritrea in the HRC; Concern over Eritrean information centre in Uganda; Victims of clashes in Somalia need aid; UNSC extends Sudan sanctions; South Sudanese ministers dismissed; UN HRC hears of impunity for abuses in South Sudan; 14 people drown off Tunisian coast, as racist attacks spike; EU pledges further support to Libya in letter; UK’s proposed bill would violate international law, says EU Commissioner; France/UK leaders meet to discuss migration; Hungary continues blocking extension Contonou Agreement; Justice and Home Affairs Council EU discusses migration; Belgium announces increase in reception capacity; and Italy accuses Greece of turning away boats.

News Highlights: Heavy weapons hand-over starts in Tigray, Alleged Eritrean trafficker appears in court, Italy’s decree could cause more deaths at sea

In this week’s News Highlights: TDF starts hand-over of heavy weapons; Presence of Eritrean troops continues in Tigray; German and French Foreign Ministers visit Ethiopia; Fighting escalates in Oromia; Ethiopian airlines restricts passengers flying between Addis and Mekelle; Alleged human trafficker Kidane arrested in Sudan; Final round of talks between military and civilian leaders in Sudan; Three aid workers and 11 civilians killed in South Sudan; Over 1000 migrants and refugees already returned to Libya this year; HRW warns that Italy’s anti-rescue decree risks more deaths at sea; Human trafficking suspect Welid appears in court in the Netherlands; UNHCR urges EU to treat all refugees equally; EU provides additional EUR 25.5 million to address food crisis in Africa; and German ruling published states Eritreans should not be forced to embassy for papers. 

News Highlights: CoHA evaluation modalities agreed, Famine “fast approaching” in Somalia, Italy increases pressure on NGO rescues

In this week’s News Highlights: Tigrayan and Ethiopian negotiators reach agreement on CoH Agreement evaluation modalities; Ethiopians voice their fears and hope about peace; Urgent aid needed for Somalia’s rural communities; Somali troops return from Eritrea starts; Government forces continue offensive against al-Shabaab; Somali government orders media to submit content for approval; Sudanese security forces disperse pro-democracy protesters; al-Bashir admits role in 1989 coup; New expert on the situation of human rights in Sudan designated; Over 260.000 in need of humanitarian support in South Sudan; UN Special envoy for Libya warns of signs of partition; Irregular migration into Europe on the rise; Statement of the European Commission and High Representative on international migrants day; New rules to fight trafficking in human beings in the EU; New rules for private search and rescue operations in Italy; and Deglobalisation of food systems amidst worsening hunger crisis.