News Highlights: UN alarmed over growing crisis in Tigray, Ukraine refugees vulnerable to traffickers, UN and AU warn of “grave danger” in Sudan

In this week’s news highlights: UN update on human rights situation in Tigray and Northern Ethiopia; HRW calls for end of attacks on women and girls in Ethiopia; $205 million needed by UN to assist displaced people in Northern Ethiopia; United States embassy in Eritrea issues strong statement; Two protestors shot dead, UN and AU warn of ‘grave danger’ in Sudan; 2019 massacre tribunal raided by Sudanese authorities; Fresh attack on Sudan and South-Sudan border killing dozens; 50 persons die off Libyan coasts; Civilians detained unlawfully in Derna, Libya; 202 people rescued on French coasts; Ukrainian women and children vulnerable to traffickers; Belgium to set tougher asylum rules for Afghan refugees; Syrian refugees in limbo in Denmark; Video showing police violence against a migrant in Melilla, Spain; Ukrainian refugees struggle with UK visas; Unaccompanied minors can join parents in the UK; Event; a fair for gender equality in Europe held in Angers, France.

News Highlights: 1 million flee Ukraine, UN Commission of Experts to investigate Ethiopia, Humanitarian flight from Libya

In this week’s news highlights: UN Commission of Experts to investigate possible violations of international law in Ethiopia; Medical facilities’ lack of supplies cause patients’ deaths in Tigray; Children severely impacted by drought; Dissolution of the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission; Illicit trade of historical artefacts from Tigray; Teenagers arrested and allegedly tortured following pro-democracy protests in Sudan; Attempted armed attack on a food convoy in South Sudan; Nine people drown as boat capsizes off Tunisia; Humanitarian flight arrives with 99 refugees from Libya; War in Ukraine reveals different treatment of refugees; 1 million Ukrainian refugees have fled their country; Temporary protection to be granted to Ukraine refugees; Wave of Ukraine refugees finds Poland not prepared; A UN resolution demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces, and those opposing it; A war with repercussions for Africa’s food supplies; Event addresses risks for women in the run-up to Women’s Day; Opening of an investigation by the ICC on “crimes against humanity” in Ukraine.

Horn Highlights: Report of mass killing in Afar town, Video shows Ethiopia/Eritrea cooperation, US sanctions Somali officials

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Ethiopian-allied forces accused of killings of Tigrayans; Impact of drone strikes; Tigray report says over 120.000 women and girls raped in Tigray; Video appears to show Eritrean and thiopian military cooperation during a time where it was denied; UAE sends humanitarian aid to Tigray; Analyts says clear links exist between Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia; US sanctions Somali officials over election delays; China appoints a special Horn envoy.