News Highlights: More money for Turkey deal, Eritrea in Human Rights Council, Video of Hajji Musa’s funeral

 In this week’s news highlights: The UN Human Rights Council discussed Eritrea; video emerges of respected Eritrean elder’s funeral; letter of an Eritrean citizen to his President; South Sudan runs out of money; EU announces stricter migration measures and more money for Turkey; European Parliament urges release of human rights defenders in Sudan; EEAS updates on migration actions; and data should be used cautiously when it comes to refugees and migrants, expert warns.

News Highlights: Eritrean elder passes away causing unrest, South Sudanese oil money, drought impact on Somalia

In this week’s news highlights:Upheaval in Eritrea after death of widely recognized elder; Sudan-Eritrea border update by African Monitors; South Sudanese government denies allegations of using oil money to fund civil war; U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson’s visit to Ethiopia amidst civil unrest; Drought causes conflict in Somalia; UN OHCHR’s latest global report on human rights; Libya discussions in the European Parliament with EU and UNHCR; Italy’s election results may mean tougher stance on migration; Eritrean women’s protest at ICC in The Hague.

News Highlights: Eritrean government-linked interpreters in Europe, UN identifies possible war criminals in South Sudan, French asylum law criticized

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrean government-linked individuals in Europe acting as interpreters for Eritrean asylum seekers; Eritrean meeting in London cancelled after diaspora protests; UN urges Sudan to end impunity for rape crimes; South Sudan on the brink of famine; South Sudanese military officially accused by UN for perpetrating war crimes; Number of unaccompanied children refugees in South Sudan worrying; French draft law on asylum criticized as unbalanced; Frontex would not mind becoming the new European law enforcement agency; UNDP discusses the shortcomings of the Sustainable Development Goals in the European Parliament.