News highlights: Eritrean organisations urge an end to roundups in Sudan, First Global Refugee Forum launched, More countries get involved in Libya conflict

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrean organisations urge UNHCR and authorities to address roundups in Sudan; US sanctions South Sudan officials; PM Abiy Ahmed wants to work on peace with Eritrean President; Protection for human rights defenders in Ethiopia; Missing ministers in Eritrea; First Global Refugee Forum launced to improve conditions for refugees; Greece urges EU to “share the burden”; Children suicidal in Moria refugee camp, Greece; Teenagers accused of terrorism after interception at sea; Red cross argues EU should adress needs refugees and host communities instead of keeping them out; Turkey to support UN-backed government in Libya; Libyan coast guard and Europe critized by Ocean Viking coordinator; Personal experiences of conditions in Libya; And World Bank recalculates refugee data is needed.

Random roundup in Khartoum: Eritrean refugees targeted

posted in: Eritrea, Sudan | 0

Eritreans in Khartoum are in an unsafe situation as random arrests – mainly targeting Eritrean refugees – are taking place in the Sudanese capital. Witness Araia Kidane tells about the situation in a Facebook post and says that security forces are “hunting” eritrean refugees in the streets, offices and their houses. The victims are arrested and have to pay “50,000 or more” to be released. Sources told Araia that people are asked for their identity before being captured.

News Highlights: Extremist groups funded by human trafficking in Libya, EU ‘deepens partnership’ with Morocco on migration, UNHCR pressures people to leave GDF in Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Nobel Peace Prize winner Abiy Ahmed avoids talking to the media; Africa requests funding to fight climate crisis during COP25; Eritrean girl Ciham Ali Abdu held incommunicado since she was 15; New initiative to assist internally displaced persons introduced in Ethiopia; Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces plans to categorise immigrants in the UK ahead of election; Asylum seekers at risk when crossing the Croation border; Eritreans protest in Norway; President Ursula von der Leyen meets representatives from AU to discuss cooperation; New Return and Reintegration Platform initiative formalised; New app to assist refugees in Italy; EU to strengthen cooperation with Morocco on migration through new funding, UNHCR pressures refugees to leave the GDF; UN experts release report on foreign armed groups in Libya, stating IS in Libya is funded largely by human trafficking; State Representatives discuss Libya at the Rome Mediterranean Dialogues; And Sudanese citizens abused by human traffickers in Libya.