News Highlights: Sudan and Ethiopia discuss border force, EU to support road project Eritrea, AU requests peace conference on Libya

In this week’s News Highlights: €20 million EU funds for road project between Ethiopia and Eritrea; Ethiopa and Sudan discuss joint border force; opposition in Sudan releases statement continuing pressure on government; BBC shines light on Sudanese detention; High-level United Nations delegation visits Sudan as UNAMID ends; villagers in South Sudan’s Yei State abused and killed by soldiers; two new commissions look at Ethiopia’s internal border and identity conflicts; ; an Islamic State ‘empire’ grows in Africa region, warns article; African Union requests a peace conference on Libya; Human Rights at Sea (HRAS) published a report on the deflagging of the Aquarius rescue boat; LIBE Committee has approved new measures to reinforce Frontex; 100 migrants intercepted by Libyan Coast Guard; and EASO published reports on EU asylum figures of 2018.

News Highlights: European Parliament condemns al-Bashir in resolution, New refugee proclamation in Ethiopia, Refugees in Libya starve as clashes erupt

In this week’s news highlights: European Parliament condemns al-Bashir in resolution on Sudan protests; Ethiopia ratifies new refugee proclamation; terrorist attack in Kenya; Four commercial checkpoints to open along Ethiopia/Eritrea border; Resilient smuggling networks are still active between Sudan and Eritrea; Eritrea attempts to intimidate BBC; refugees without food and water after clashes in Libya; European Parliament debates asylum and migration policy; Switzerland concludes return agreement with Ethiopia; EU increasingly relying on “informal” migrant returns to Sub-Saharan Africa: report; OECD report about economic chances of migration; and Merkel says EU Turkey deal is dysfunctional. In other news: new report on human trafficking for ransom and protests in Zimbabwe.

News Highlights: Protests in Sudan, EU reportedly negotiating with Egypt on migration, asylum-seeker to sue UK government

In this week’s news highlights: Protests in Sudan intensify; Canadian Supreme Court to hear case on human rights abuses in Eritrea; Eritrea and Kenya sign agreement; refugees at high risk of being kidnapped for ransom in the Horn of Africa, new report shows; protest during Ethiopian-Eritrean border opening; new president of Somali Puntland region; fewer migrant arrivals via sea in 2018, but deaths remain high; EU negotiating migration agreement with Egypt: report; Italian mayors defy certain new immigration rules; deal enables migrants to disembark in Malta; asylum-seeker to sue UK government for funding Libyan detention centres; “unimaginable horrors” in Libya: UN report; and EU’s EUBAM Libya mission mandate extended to strengthen borders “in cooperation with Libyan authorities”.