News Highlights: EU policies contribute to abuse in Libya, Eritrea mining case in Canada, EU-AU meeting in Brussels

In this week’s News Highlights: EU policies contribute to abuse against migrants in Libya: HRW; continuing protests in Sudan; Nevsun case about human rights abuses in Eritrea before Canadian top court; Italy to be engaged in planned Ethiopia-Eritrea railway link; Ethiopian ruling coalition happy about peace deal; UNICEF report on humanitarian situation in Eritrea; Kenyan president visits Eritrea, reportedly considering opening an embassy; EU and AU ministers meet in Brussels; IGAD and EEAS meeting; Italy to evict over 500 migrants from centre; Italy to decide about continuation of Operation Sophia; and WHO report on refugees’ and migrants’ health in Europe.

News Highlights:Israeli pilots refuse to deport refugees, Libyan torture videos sent to family, missing migrant children in EU

In this week’s news highlights:Israeli pilots are refusing to deport Sudanese and Eritrea refugees; Eritrean president demands compensation fees, claiming Israel wants to deport Eritreans to Eritrea;; political relations around Eritrea are changing; South Sudan dangerous for aid workers; New … Continued

News Highlights: Attack in Somalia, Swiss aid to Eritrea, Libya political meeting

In this week’s news highlights: Devastating attack in Somalia; Ethiopian government official resigns; South Sudan refugee video report; story of an Eritrean minor; Switzerland starts new programmes with Eritrea; France announces tougher measures on migration; Libyan political leaders to meet in Tunis; UNHCR statement on Libyan detention camps; operations in the Mediterranean saved 600 people; Egyptian army engaged in fighting with terrorist groups in Sinai region.