Lawyers submit document to the ICC, calling for investigation of deaths linked to EU migration pushback

On Monday, 3 June 2019, a group of international lawyers submitted a legal document to the International Criminal Court (ICC), in which they call for open investigation of the EU migration policies that, according to lawyers, contributed to the death of thousands migrants crossing Mediterranean sea. This punitive action is directed against the EU and its’ member states that played important role during migration crisis, particularly Italy, Germany and France.

Eritrean Women march for justice outside ICC in The Hague

Yesterday, March 8, and on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, Eritrean women from a number of European countries gathered in The Hague to march outside the International Criminal Court. With this symbolic move, around 200 women demanded justice for their relatives who are being held in prison and the ones that have been victims of the PFDJ, the ruling party of Eritrea.