News Highlights: 1 million flee Ukraine, UN Commission of Experts to investigate Ethiopia, Humanitarian flight from Libya

In this week’s news highlights: UN Commission of Experts to investigate possible violations of international law in Ethiopia; Medical facilities’ lack of supplies cause patients’ deaths in Tigray; Children severely impacted by drought; Dissolution of the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission; Illicit trade of historical artefacts from Tigray; Teenagers arrested and allegedly tortured following pro-democracy protests in Sudan; Attempted armed attack on a food convoy in South Sudan; Nine people drown as boat capsizes off Tunisia; Humanitarian flight arrives with 99 refugees from Libya; War in Ukraine reveals different treatment of refugees; 1 million Ukrainian refugees have fled their country; Temporary protection to be granted to Ukraine refugees; Wave of Ukraine refugees finds Poland not prepared; A UN resolution demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces, and those opposing it; A war with repercussions for Africa’s food supplies; Event addresses risks for women in the run-up to Women’s Day; Opening of an investigation by the ICC on “crimes against humanity” in Ukraine.

News Highlights: Refugees flee Ukraine as war erupts, Violations in Sudan investigated by UN, Deaths at EU borders

In this week’s news highlights: Ethiopian Government on negotiation and the National Dialogue Commission; Aid partners in Tigray forced to downscale further; GERD begins electricity production; UN expert to report on rights violations in Sudan; Sudanese protesters released from detention; Hemedti of Sudan in Russia; Egypt seeking mediation role in Sudan; 300,000 Somalians leave home in search of food; 4 people arrested in Kenya for alleged human trafficking; 129 migrants rescued by Sea Watch off Libya shore; UN calls for “free and fair elections” in Libya; Russia’s invasion drives refugees out of Ukraine; Digital borders to monitor migration; Vulnerable asylum seekers returned from Switzerland to Italy; How two persons died in violent pushback from Greece to Turkey; IOM warns about increasing deaths at EU borders; Alleged smuggler arrested after 7 die at sea; Nearly 600 people rescued by coastguards off Italy coast; UNHCR concerned about human rights violations at European borders; “Milestone” deal on migration policy between EU and Cyprus.

News Highlights: AU-EU Summit reveals critical issues, WHO cannot distribute medicines in Tigray, Refugees protest in Tunisia

In this week news highlights: AU-EU Summit draws leaders to Brussels; Side event discusses Critical Issues For AU-EU Collaboration On Health And Science; Tigray demonstration at the sidelines of the AU-EU Summit; Hospitals in Tigray in trouble amidst severe shortages, WHO aid stuck; Amnesty report states Tigrayan forces committed atrocities in Amhara, Tigray government’s response; Response to the US “Ethiopia Stabilization, Peace and Democracy Act”; Early lifting of state emergency in Ethiopia; Possible removal of the TPLF from the Ethiopian list of terrorist groups, says EU Envoy; A dialogue between Sudanese and Ethiopian ambassadors; Sudan’s Sovereignty Council Chairman speaks to AU Chairman; 4.1 million Somalians need urgent food, warns UN; Refugees in Tunisia protest; Organisations urge the German government to help Afghan refugees; Hypothermia or injuries prevalent during UK crossing; Refugees fear becoming trapped in another conflict in Ukraine; East Europe prepares for refugees