Pan African Parliament tackles the topic of human trafficking in special session day

At its second ordinary session in South Africa, the Pan African Parliament (PAP) dedicated a session day to the Theme of the Year 2019: “The Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa”. The theme day included presentations and debate on the situations of displacement in Africa and the 1969 Organisation of African Unity (OAU) Refugee Convention, the Kampala Convention and the Global Compact on Refugees. In addition, speakers presented and debated on Regional Perspectives (Regional Econonomic Communities) and Programmes on Refugees, Returnees, Internally Displaced Persons and Statelessness. Human trafficking and its facilitation by technology was discussed.

Report of the Roundtable – Inhumane treatment and trafficking of people in Libya: EU and EU Member States’ Responsibility

On 1 April 2019, a Roundtable entitled “Inhumane treatment and trafficking of people in Libya – The EU’s and EU Member states’ responsibility” was held from 18:30 – 20:00 in the European Parliament. The event was hosted by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL Group) and Ana Gomes (S&D Group) together with the organisation Europe External Programme with Africa (EEPA). Speakers in this event were,among others, representatives of Médecins Sans Frontières, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, expert on human trafficking, legal experts, a journalist and human rights activists.

News Highlights: Eritrea Foundation summons EU over forced labour, Fighting around Tripoli, Roundtable discusses Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea Foundation summons the EU to stop supporting use of forced labour in Eritrea Project; Roundtable at the EU parliament hosted by MEPs and EEPA; EU increases on FRONTEX capacity and reach; UNHCR Senior Official raised concerns on the situation of 35 children in Calais; 250 NGOs ask Angela Merkel for a Mediterranean solidarity plan; Dutch government blocks Sea Watch 3 and other NGOs; The UN Human Rights Committee expresses grave concern on the human rights situation in Eritrea; Fighting in south Tripoli, UN expresses concern; report describes the shift from smuggling to trafficking in Libya; and UNHCR calls for more funding for refugees in Libya.