News Highlights: Tigray-Ethiopia peace agreement signed; Fatal double bombing in Mogadishu; Nearly 1000 migrants and refugees waiting for disembarkation

In this week’s news highlights: Tigray- Ethiopia Peace agreement signed; Filsan Abdi and her resignation over the Tigray conflict; WHO says Tigray region has run out of medical supplies; Situation rapidly deteriorating, but the population does not revolt; Double terrorist bombing in Mogadishu; Closing women’s clinic in South Sudan symptomatic of waning donor interest; 8 million South Sudanese to face acute food insecurity; Resurgence of ethnic clashes in Blue Nile state; Cash handouts as alternative to alleviate drought suffering; EU funds Egyptian border control to curb migration via Libya; Torture of a minor Eritrean refugee in Libya; UN experts condemn lack of accountability for abuses at Europe’s border; EU looks to strengthen ties with Western Balkans; Lack of political will on migration solidarity; Report calls for an end to Eritrean diaspora tax; Czech Council presidency proposes reworked voluntary relocation mechanism; Extension of internal border checks with Slovakia; 1000 rescued migrants and refugees waiting for disembarkation; The food crisis must be addressed at a global level.

News highlights: Ethiopia peace talks delayed, Eritreans in Germany no longer forced to Eritrean embassies, Frontex covering up Greek pushbacks

In this week’s news highlights: Peace talks in South Africa on Ethiopia delayed; Isaias Afewerki’s intentions for Ethiopia; Tigray forces accused of extrajudicial killings in Kobo; ICHREE mandate extended; Eritrean trafficker arrested and extradited to Italy; Joint statement condemning the resumption of hostilities in Tigray; Ministers from the 8 IGAD members meet in Nairobi; Interweaving crises are complicating efforts to address hunger, warns UN; Somali journalist syndicate under increasing pressure from government; 15 migrants and refugees murdered by traffickers in Libya; UN human rights report calls out violation of migrants rights in Libya return programme; German court declares  Eritreans cannot be forced to Eritrean embassies for documents; Frontex accused of covering up Greek pushbacks; Mediterranean member states call for Frontex to operate inside third counties; Bounty placed on information about Eritrean human trafficker; ECRE and PICUM publish analysis of EU response to Ukraine crisis; Pope Francis says treatment of migrants “sinful”; Ukrainian refugee protection extended until March 2024.

Horn Highlights: Foundation announces legal action on Eritrea, Witnesses say Amhara forces are hiding atrocity evidence, Prisoners tortured in Sudan

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Foundation announces legal action on Eritrea in 10 May press conference; Amhara security forces hiding evidence of ethnic cleansing, say witnesses; Aid flow to Tigray remains trickle; CPJ calls for the release of journalists in Ethiopia who could face death penalty; UN’s Bachelet condemns religious violence in Ethiopia; Civilian casualties in Oromia; Eritrea-Tigray rivalry role in famine; Analysts warn resumption of Ethiopia conflict imminent; Rock-hewn churches at risk; Tigrayans call for release of prisoners; GERD cyberattack; Lawyers accuse Sudanese authorities of torturing prisoners; Sudan opposition group refuses to participate in UN-led dialogue; Eritrean Press Agency claims Russia sent drones to Eritrea in exchange for naval base; Eritrean asylum seeker challenges Swiss return of Eritreans with torture story; Somalia set to elect president of 15 May; and Pope to visit South Sudan in July.